Part 45

368 19 4

"Your honor, if on basis of one Person's confession, we can't prove my client innocent, then how on basis of testimony by few men who work for money could've trusted?.. The abductors claim my client's assistant made deal with them but they've no evidence to prove this.. But Miss Sahay have evidence to support her testimony..

Once the Hearing resume, the defense begin to speak for Abhimaan. Regardless of Evidence and testimony of witness. He had to twist the case direction in favor of his client and he really did his best.

"In fact there's probability of My client being framed not only by Miss Sahay but by Miss Agnihotri too.. Your honor, I'd like to cross Examine Miss Agnihotri..

Siya look up, once the jury granted the permission she walked upto face the lawyer. She once glance at Presha who nodded at her to be calm.

"Miss Agnihotri, do you know Mr Danish Raichand?

"Yes, he proposed me for marriage..

"What's your profession?..

"I'm an automobile Designer..

"Where do you work?..

Though both question seems to have no connection with her case. Yet she answer calmly unaware how the defense gonna use it.

"I work in

"Point to be noted your Honor, Mr Danish Raichand proposed her, who's rival of my client.. And Miss Agnihotri work in which is company of My client's rival Mr Samrat Rathor.. Who's relative of Mr Raichand too, at work she needs to report only to HR through online.. And she even reside in villa under Mr Rathor Name.. If this isn't suspicious enough then...

He let his words unfinished with meaningful smile as he watch the color drain from her face. The jury look at the file submitted by Defense.

"Your honor, even Miss Sahay work with Mr Raichand, who's rival of my client and they're even relative..

Siya clench her jaw, her hands curled up in fist. She was awestruck by the Defense Lawyers reasoning. She learn he's Abhimaan Sehgal, when he met her daughter in school. And Samrat has many company under him, she didn't knew the one she work belong to him and she had doubt on facilities she received in this city. But she didn't knew it's one of Samrat's property.

"Objection your honor, I request you to stop defense, from character assassinating my client.. Before he alleged her having affair with Accused now with the rival of accused?

Objection Sustained.. defense be mindful...

The defense let out an apologetic smile, when Presha spoke again. She was losing her patience but didn't dare to lose her calm in court.

"Your Honor Miss Sahay is daughter of Accused's mentor, in fact she harbour great admiration for Accused she had been his escort in various social events too..

"That's not relevant to the case..

"Of course it is, like I said before she's here take blame for someone's sake.. I believe she's doing this for sake of feelings she has for accused here.. And Mr Rathor, well he doesn't own one company he has many company under him in various fields.. About facilities, well Mr Rathor is present in court, Your honor May I've permission to question him?..

"Permission granted..

Siya walked back to her place, then Samrat walked up to face the Lawyer. In formal suit he excluded aura of authority despite being humble enough to greet the jury he look aloof.

"Mr Rathor, what's the reason behind my client receiving special treatment in your company?.

"Single parent..

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