Part 42

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"Dipali I..

"I've been by your side for years, yet it didn't took you second to make decision of divorce..

Speechless, he look down, feeling wave of remorse hitting him once more. As he felt breathless to the point where his face turn pale.

"I've been by your side cause I love you.. Still do.. But I'm not ready to make sacrifice anymore..

"Why suddenly you..

He mentally slapped himself, for questioning her, when he's aware about how many reasons he have given her to gave up on him. If he didn't rejected her, then he never accepted her. What they share was more like contractual relationship. Which one party pour everything emotionally mentally physically out of love. Than other party did get involved mentally, physically and economically out of obligation as family bond. The only thing keep the go on with each other is their son nothing else. In past it was the In-laws and in present their son.

"Cause I realise now, love can't be selfish.. With demand of divorce, you hurt my love, my pride before..

"I'm sorry about that I wasn't thinking straight I..

He was never aloof in regard of expressing his emotion verbally, sometimes he hide them due to the circumstances or peace sake. But with time he'll gradually express them, hence feeling remorseful he didn't intent to hide it that how apologetic he's.

"It's no longer important.. I don't want to be with men who can't see beyond his own feelings...

"Think about our Son he need's us both..

Realising his emotion weigh nothing, he try to bind her to him cause of their son. But immediately got slapped with brutal reality he ignored.

"Did you thought about him? Then why should I? Cause I'm women a mother? I need to think of all and obligated to explain myself?..

"Dipali I..

He couldn't answer her anymore, regardless of how much it's important for their relationship. But now he knew it's pointless, she has made her decision and he can do nothing either than accepting it.

"In all these year, you couldn't accept my love.. Forget loving me back..

"I can't lose my son..

"I won't fight for his custody either..

Listening her Sahil's heart almost skip a beat. He couldn't imagine the women who can hurt other for her son's sake, refuse to fight for his custody? What had he done to the women who couldn't start day without seeing her husband and son.

"Is that your final decision..

"Yes.. And I don't need alimony either..

Saying this with Determine heart, she turn around to walk out, when he question her curiously. Even though he knew, he doesn't have authority to question her anymore.

"Where are you going?

"To see my son last time..

"Let me escort you..

"No need, I need to learn going my way on own..

She rejected his suggestion, which was more a request. Then walked out instead of feeling vulnerable she felt strong. Sitting inside the car, she look down at her phone screen. Lost in thought for while about her next action.

Caressing the head of her daughter, as she slept soundlessly, Siya couldn't get even wink of sleep. Her mind was in great dilemma, where's her heart was in pain. Covering Aadhya with blanket, she walked out of her room.

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