This Poor Girl

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The Next Day

Ryujin's P.O.V

I woke up at exactly 8AM.

And I've been staring at the ceiling for 2 hours.

I say staring because I don't like to admit that I've been crying, I don't even know why, maybe it's because I don't know what to do. Since my parents were shit heads and not good parents (obviously), they left me with loads of debt, my grandmother at the time she was alive was paying off their debt when they died.

I only found out about it when I was 15, it had been a year since she died and then I found myself being chased all around the city of Chuncheon-si. They'd chase me down alleyways once they figured out which school I attended, I had to walk from school to the orphanage since it wasn't far. However, walking home felt like years, since I had to take all these detours and shortcuts that'd get me lost and then I'd finally see a police car rolling up beside me, to take me back to the orphanage.

They'd always thought I was trying to run away, when really these groups of gangsters and shark loaners that were apparently searching for millions of dollars I didn't have, were chasing me, and they didn't believe me. I remember the first time that fear surged me, it had been quite a while since that fright registered in my brain. Like I said before, I had only been afraid of my parent's, but these people that they owed money to, were really just brutal.

Once I couldn't run faster because I...

1- hadn't eaten all day.

2- and had bruised my ankle from the last time they tried beating me up.

So they grapped me harshly by the hair and did what they planned to do.


The pain surged through my brain as I felt my brain twist in my skull.

Even my parents didn't grab me that hard back then, back when they used to abuse me.

I yelp out a cry and attempt to scream my heart out, however, one of the four men punches my jaw which makes my head spin whilst I react by falling to the floor as I stay there with a blank face, suppressing my tears like I'd die if I let them glide down my face. "Look at this punk! she needs to pay up but isn't even crying!" The man who punched me nearly barks at my face as the three other men smile sinisterly.

"Well it makes it even more interesting doesn't it?" Said the shortest yet still tall one who had a large scar across his muscular arm which wasn't covered as he wore a tank top. I shuddered in fear as they approached me, I was ready to kick them, bite them, slap them, anything that'd let me run back to the orphanage where I can sit in my room and cry my tears to salt. Another slap causes a tear to escape, making me wipe it instantly, as it goes unnoticed by all of them.

"We told you already didn't we?"

I shake my head bluntly which makes the man with fierce cat eyes snatch my chin so roughly, I feel a muscle tear. "Listen here you little shit, you're 15 turning 16, correct?" I nod very slowly which again makes my attitude inflict pain on myself, but I refuse to act afraid and laughably weak.

I'm glad I can say I've been through worse.

Another one of the four men who has tattoos all over his arm, pulls my head back, however, it's disgustingly, and terrifyingly gentle.

He smiles as I watch his face from up side down.

"You're attitude isn't helping" He says so eerily I wince.

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