𝓑𝓪𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽.

516 35 38

Still Thursday -- 8:45 PM

Ryujin's P.O.V

I wish I was back at Lia's place.

I wish I was enjoying my time alive and happy.

Because right now I am not happy, nor even upset or angry. I'm excruciatingly tired, so very it makes my back ache and my stomach grumble with hunger, and I'm on the verge of falling face flat, along with the broom I'm holding.

"Why're you just standing there! Go on, clean!" My employer barks out orders that send my ears exasperated, I almost don't move at all because of how worn out I am. However, my hand twitches slightly before beginning to tighten the grip on the broom, once I finish inhaling a deep breath, I hold that same breath as I start sweeping the dusty, and filthy floors.

Counting the seconds it takes for me to gasp for air, upset I cannot go through with ending my life. Soon enough, a minute passes and I'm doubled over coughing. As expected, I don't try again and just continue on with my sweeping. Once I'm done with the broom, I open a dusty cabinet that I have yet to clean, and pull out a cloth and some kind of cleaning spray. I walked to the neighbourhood that was nearly close to my apartment, then I entered their public library and borrowed their free computers.

That's when I searched up some gig that I could quickly do, and that could help me earn a quick buck until I found myself another stable job. I found someone advertising to have someone clean a room in their basement, I contacted them and asked if anyone had the job yet. That's how I got here, and that's how I'm wiping down the dirty, stained, and wrecked windows.

I'm sure that I regret this gig, everything is dusty, dirty, and gives me small cuts on my hands. I asked the person who agreed to let me clean if they had any cleaning garments, gloves, maybe a mask. But they told me to just get the job done with what I had, and like I said I'm probably regretting agreeing to this, but there are a lot of things that I regret, so sometimes I just assume I'll regret it before it actually happens.

I regret so much, I don't even know the difference anymore.

For example, when I went out for lunch with the girls when I met them, I regretted saying yes because in the end they expected me to be their friend, and the worst part is that I was scared of what that'd mean.

Everything scares me now.

Time flies and I'm finally done cleaning.

I couldn't get all of the crevices, corners, or little compartments, however, I did what I could.

After the lady paid me, I decided that I'd use a bit of that money to buy myself some dinner, I didn't eat my lunch today, it's nothing unusually. Sometimes I feel so hungry I could die, but when the food and nutrition is right in front of me, I can't seem to bring myself to grab a bite.

So I habitually eat snacks like a cheap protein bar from a convenience store, or nothing at all.

I'm walking out of the lady's house, and realize that I'm too far to catch a bus. Even if I wasn't far, I didn't have a ticket so I guess I was walking home tonight. Although, I seemed to have forgotten that if I ever needed a ride, I only had one phone call to make.

However, like always, I never have to call.

"Ryu!" The mockingly shrill voice is called out to me, though high pitched, terrifying none the less.

It's JK.

And he's with all of them.

Looking up timidly against my will, I meet JK's piercing black eyes that seemed to have no pupil in the dark. I wasn't sure about this, because generally they like to chat with me during the day, but at night is a different story.

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