The Other 2

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The Next Day -- 4:59 PM

Beomgyu's P.O.V

I'm not sure I actually believed that Ryujin went to the Police Station. She seemed to not like the idea, and looked very scared, but we were here. In front of us sat the very same man who talked to Ryujin yesterday, Ryujin was fidgeting with her hands, and so I inter whined our fingers together, just so she can feel better.


She's always used to things going badly, and I'm sure that this was a big step for her. 

It was silent, and the man was only writing something, and typing on his computer. I didn't really understand why it was taking so long, and then even I started to get nervous.

"So, you're the boyfriend?" He asked, to confirm who I am, and I was shocked. My lips parted slightly, and I was dumbfounded for so many seconds. "What? I'm sorry" Shocked and still not noticing the way Ryujin tightly squeezed my hands, I blinked and just went along with it. Clearing my throat, I nodded, the police officer raised a brow confused. "Yes, I'm the boyfriend" I said, feeling heat flushing to my cheeks, as I shook my head slightly, glancing at Ryujin as she smirked as if amused.

I nudge her, and she does it back, not noticing the officer staring at us with clear disappointment.

"So Mr.Choi could you also describe the two men who beat you and Ms. Shin." I nod once again and open my mouth to speak. "One had a large tattoo taking over his entire arm, with an eyebrow piercing-" He interrupted me, "Do you know which arm?" I shook my head, "No, no I don't."

It went on like that for a bit, me describing them, and giving them an estimate on their height, they said that they'd try their best to look for them, but that it wasn't their top priority due to other cases that are considered a higher risk than this one.

That bothered me and I was about to start telling him what I wanted, giving him the disappointed looks, and interrupting him. As you can see he was pissing me off, but Ryujin stopped me and just said, "I understand, thank you for your time"I chuckle, and glare at him instead.

She might understand, but I don't understand.

And he practically gave us no time at all.

Maybe it's the title that I was given for that short amount of time, boyfriend.

That makes me smile.

When we leave the station, I grab Ryujin's wrist and gradually pull her towards me, we get a few stares but I could care less. "Boyfriend" I mock as my brows raise up, amused by the situation. She blushes and tries to cover her face, "It kinda just happened, I was here and I just said it. It slipped out." I laugh, "Sureeeee" She hits me in the chest and runs to my car.

I grin all the way to the car, and continue as I'm seated in front of the wheel. Ryujin's on her phone as though she's texting someone, I can see from my view that she's texting Lia, though I don't look for a second longer because all I'm looking at now is Ryujin.

Her short black hair is messy but alluring.

'Sexy' I think when she runs her finger through her  hair, pushing it out of her face. Now my gaze runs along her hands, I bring my thumb up to my lip as I continue to watch her. Admire her.

It takes her a few seconds to realize that the car hasn't started and so she looks up to me watching her. I whistle at the sight as she looks me in the eyes, "Damn" I mutter and Ryujin's confused, her brows furrowed, and I can see she thinks I'm being incredibly weird right now. 

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