Badass Ryu?

354 27 9

Wednesday -- 11:31 AM

Ryujin's P.O.V

"I'm not playing your guys' game anymore" I declare, practically stinging him with my words. I grip the phone so hard, I feel the way it engraves the palm of my hand. I hear Jungkook's sigh. "Can't you just accept that we're doing this for fun?" I nearly smash my phone again, but I keep my cool. My feet planted as I'm haunted to a stop.

"Just remember, if you ever tell the police, Yeji and your little boyfriend will get hurt." When he doesn't hear my responds he adds aggression into his tone. "Understand?" I nod forgetting that he can't see me. "Yeah, sure" I say a little too casualty, while entering the police station.

I skipped school today.

And after finding that letter yesterday, it actually got me thinking. They only know Beomgyu and Yeji, the only reason they know Yeji is because I blurted out her name, but if I hadn't, they could've easily found out her name.

She's the current CEO of Hwang Office, a jewelry company, I think. I'm not sure. Anyway what I'm saying is that they're both somewhat known by people. Hurting them is a bluff, they can't hurt them, they're too known. But then again they beat Beomgyu into a pulp, well he interfered, so then I could be right.

Unless I'm not there, they can't hurt those two.

I'm not completely sure if my theory is even correct, all I know is that I'm done cowering. 

I will go back and stab Jungkook again if I have to.

I tried getting him to say something, I needed him to say something. Are they really doing all of this for revenge and some fun? Are they really that psychotic?

I'm not so sure.

Entering the building, I look around at the busy place. People with blue clothing and a golden badge on their chest, helped me pick them apart from the other civilians reporting or complaining to them. "Can I help you?" A woman caught my attention, she approached me as if she's seen my type before, kind and gentle. "Yes, actually" She nods pleased that I'm not yelling at her like everyone else is doing. "What's your name?", "Shin Ryujin" I reply. I read the name tag while she gives me another smile.

"I'm here to report an assault and threat" I lift up my sleeve and show her some of my bruises.

She gasps, I chuckle, "You should see my boyfriend's scars" I say my voice low and sad, remembering the incident. However, I was giddy, and loved the feeling of calling Beomgyu my boyfriend, though I'm not sure he'd like that, he sure did have a habit of just kissing me. Honestly, I'm not sure how he feels, I've only seen him express himself genuinly at least four times and that's it. Everything else is just smirks and kisses. I find myself getting off track with my thoughts, but the woman doesn't notice.

"Huh?" I say confused when I see a middle aged man in front of me with a note pad in his hand.

"Can you describe your attacker or attackers?" I lick my lips and nod too profusely and begin saying every detail of Chris and Jungkook. I unknowingly leave Lee Know and Suga out of it, they kept their promise, even though I could still report them for their past torment and abuse.

I kept my mouth shut.

I'll just deal with Chris and Jungkook.


I walked out of the police station with a releived smile on my face.

I'm so glad that went well, I'm happy they didn't really ask for my involvement and why they were trying to hurt me.

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