Chapter 26

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I pushed Noah away. I didn't really want to, but I had to. More than a crush. My thoughts were haunting me.

"I-I have to, uh, I have to go." I jumped from the bed, darting for the door. My heart was beating out of my chest, my breathing staggering. I went downstairs, searching for Reese. I had to get out of here.

I spotted her familiar curly, blonde hair sweeping through the crowd. "Reese!" I shouted over the music. Her head snapped towards me, her eyes flashing with recognition. She headed towards me. I turned, walking to the backyard.

"What's up, buttercup?" Reese asked, sitting on the back porch.

"I need to get out of here." I said, frantically. Her eyebrows rose in question.

"Noah might have kissed me and I might have realized that I like him." I blurted. Her jaw dropped comically. I slapped a hand over my mouth.

"I knew it!" She screamed, jumping to her feet. "I was right! I was right!" She chanted, doing a dance. I would've laughed under different circumstances.

"This is not a good thing, Reese! I can't like him!" I told her.

"What do you mean? Of course you can like him!"

"No, I can't! One, Laura would have my head; two, he is probably the biggest player at school. He's also the reason I'm the school whore!"

"One, we both know you can take Laura. Two, the biggest player at school is probably Rex Buchanan. Alex Webb is a close second." Of course he is. "And he said one thing that was completely twisted into a whole different story. You would be crazy for not liking him!"

"It seems like it would be easy- but it's so not!" I groaned, sitting on the edge of the porch. I put my head in my hands, my elbows on my knees.

"You're making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. He obviously feels the same way about you!" I snorted.

I don't know, Reese. I can't take another situation on my plate." Not after everything I already have on it.

She nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm bored now, so let's go!" She jumped off the porch, heading for the door.


Reese dropped me add at the house before leaving to her own. I knew the guys were still at the party, so I went straight to my room. It was late, about midnight when I finally changed and payed down in my bed.

The events of tonight have really taken their toll.

I have never really liked parties, and that's thanks to the countless things that always seem to happen during them.


I pulled my waffle out of the toaster, slapping it on the plate in front of me. The door to the kitchen opened, a shirtless Eric walking through. I raised my eyebrows. He went straight for the fridge, retracting a beer from the shelf.

"It's not even noon and your drinking?" I asked him. His eyes snapped over to me.

"You're in high school eating a toaster waffle?"

"That comment is irrelevant considering the adults that advertise them." I stated smugly, taking a bite from my waffle.

"Well then, by that logic, don't mind if I do." He states, reaching or my other waffle. I grabbed his wrist.

"Leggo my eggo, Eric." I squinted my eyes at him, shoving his hand away from the toaster. I kept a straight face, my eyes narrowed. He looked at me for a second before uncontrollable laughter erupted from his mouth.

I continued eating my waffles as Eric held himself up by the counter. Noah walked in then, causing my face to heat up and my mouth to dry out. He looked at Eric weirdly.

"Why is he laughing like a hyena?" He asked.

I shrugged. "He tried to get my waffle and I said no." He raised his eyebrows.

"N-no! She s-said 'leggo my eggo'!" Eric said, laughing harder. I rolled my eyes.

"In her defense, Eric, she tackled James to the floor when he tried to get her toaster waffle." He chuckled. "We learned early." He went to the fridge and grabbed the Orange juice, taking a huge gulp. I gagged.

"Why do guys always do that? It's completely unsanitary!"

"I do it every morning." He said nonchalantly. I scoffed.

"It's disgusting." I walked around the island, to the door.

"Hey, you're the one that kisses me!" He shouted after me. I stopped, stunned.

I stalked up the stairs, into my room. I hate that boy.

No you don't.

Shut up, subconscious.


Hello, lovelies! I apologize immensely for my lack of updating. And I also apologize for the slightly short chapter... But I updated!

Since the last update, I had a birthday, many semi-cool plans, and a prom. So I've been busy and when I had time to update, I couldn't think and ended up binge watching American Horror Story....


Until next time, my little bundles. :)

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