Chapter 30

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1 year later

Gabriella's POV

I exited the terminal, my carry-on rolling behind me.

The baggage claim felt like it was a mile away. I just landed back in America, my excitement driving me mad.

I mended many bridges back in England and I graduated from school. I was able to get enough people to help me and turn Angela in to the police. She was taken to a hospital, told she was psychosomatic, and was put under strict watch.

I know what all of you are thinking, "What about Noah?" Well, that's simple.

I walked up to baggage claim, spotting my purple luggage. I jogged over, pulling the three bags off the conveyor belt. I was adjusting them, when hands covered my eyes. I was about to elbow whoever it was and pepper spray them, when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Guess who?"

I pretended to think, "Channing Tatum?" I asked, smiling. He twisted me around, his arms around my waist and a look of mock shock on his face.

"Gabriella, I'm shocked you would think Channing Tatum would pick you up from the airport and not your loving boyfriend!"

"Hey, a girl can dream, right?" Noah shook his head, a smile on his face. I put my hands on his cheeks, pulling his face to mine. I hadn't kissed him in over a year, yet the feeling hasn't changed. "I missed you." I told him softly.

"I missed you, too, Gabby." He smiled, pulling away. He grabbed two of my bags, leaving me with two. We began walking out of the airport. I was excited to see the rest of the guys. I knew that Alex was away finding an apartment for college. He graduated before we did, but he deferred a year, and apparently went backpacking through Europe. He came to see me while I was in England, and told me of his plans.

"So how have things been since the last time we talked?" I asked Noah as he packed the bags into his dad's car.

"Well, since the last time we talked was last night, I think everything is the same." He told me, smiling.

Me and Noah kept in touch very well, Skype calls on weekends and phone calls every night. He kept me posted on the things that were happening and helped calm me down after many different conversations with Angela. She found out I came back to town and would come to my apartment to tell me not to tell. In the end, I had no choice but to turn her in.

"Chase is excited to see you, though." Noah told me as we drove down the road. I smiled.

"I missed the little guy." I told him.

"I don't know how! You talked to him more than me on those Skype calls." He joked, turning on the familiar street. He pulled up to the wrought iron gates which had the elegant W twisted into the pattern.

When Noah parked the car, he pushed the heel of his hand into the horn. The front door shot open, and Chase's little feet came hurtling towards me. I was barely out of the car before he latched onto me. I smiled, lifting him into my arms.

"Hey, buddy! I missed you!" He latched his arms around my neck.

"I missed you, too!" He shouted. James came out next, followed by Clay and Diane.

"Gabby!" They exclaimed. I set Chase on his feet, hugging Clay and Diane. I went up to James, squeezing him in a death grip. He was coughing when I pulled away.

"Jamie!" I exclaimed, ruffling his hair. He scowled, then smiled.

"Missed you, too, Gabriel." He joked.

Noah was speaking with his dad, quietly. I wrinkled my eyebrows a little, before grabbing my bags and wheeling them towards the front door.

"Gabby, wait!" I heard Noah shout, before my bags were taken from my hands. James and Clay smiled at me, before walking past me, my bags in their hands. Noah came up beside me, a bandana in his hand. "I have a surprise for you." He said, a wide smile on his face.

Diane walked past me, Chase in her arms. "Where are the other boys?" I asked, completely forgetting Noah's 'surprise'.

"Marcus and Logon have a summer camp they wanted to go to and Jason had summer school. But, anyways," He trailed off, me giving him a sheepish look. "I have a surprise for you." I nodded. He pulled the black bandana around my eyes, tying a knot in the back, successfully blocking my vision. "Just trust me, Gabby, and hold my hand." I nodded unsurely.

He began to pull me in the direction of, I'm guessing, the front door. He helped me step onto the porch and inside the house. We kept walking, many scenarios running through my mind. I heard a door open, and we kept walking. The door shut, and Noah let go of my hand.

"Keep your eyes closed, ok?" I nodded as he untied the bandana. When he pulled it off, I betrayed him and peeked a little. Hey, he just blindfolded me and brought me into a random room, ok? I was suspicious. Either way, the room was pitch black.

"I can't see anything even if my eyes were open." I told him.

"Just keep your eyes closed, please." He said, grabbing my hand again. He brought me to a chair, OI know because he sat me down. I felt his presence leave and light hit my eyelids. He came back. "Ok, open them."

I opened my eyes, soft twinkling lights circled the room, the game room to be exact, and candles helped the illumination. Rose petals were spread all around the room. And to top it off, Noah was in front of me, on one knee, a box in in his hand. A ring was in the velvet pillows of the box, the diamond catching the light perfectly. My hands flew to my eyes, tears flooding.

"Gabriella Stone, I loved you from the moment I met you. This past year has been the hardest and easiest year of my life. I wanted to be with you even though I knew I couldn't. I remember one night you called me, crying your eyes out, because of some dream you had. You said you had to hear my voice telling you that I love you. After we hung up, I sat there thinking what life would be like if we had never met. If you had never gone through everything you did, if you had never moved into this house, if you had never bumped into me on your first day here. And I didn't want to ever live that way. I had been with a lot of girls before you came along and you made me realize that it is possible to love someone so much that it consumes you. I have never been so happy to love somebody the way I love you. You're it for me, Gabby, you're my first and last great love." I was full out bawling now, and any trace of makeup I had put on must have been in streaks down my face. "Gabby, I love you. I love your smile, your goofy laugh, your adorable anger, and your ability to love anybody you meet even after everything you've been through. I need you in my life, forever." He cleared his throat, tears welling in his eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest. "Gabriella Stone, will you make me the luckiest man in the world and become my wife?"

I had to take a huge breath, which probably gave him doubts of my answer. I stood up, causing him to stand as well.

"Noah Webb, I would be honored to be your wife." He smiled brighter than any of the lights were, and lifted me in a hug. He spun me around, kissing me deeply. The door opened and Diane, James, Clay, and Chase all came in, cheering. I smiled through the kiss.

Noah pulled away to slide the ring on my finger. All I could think was how everything is finally falling into place.


Well, I hope this is a satisfying ending for all of you guys. Let me know what you think and be waiting for the epilogue!

Until next time, my little bundles! :)

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