Chapter 34: Nostalgic Lanes and Presenting Victor: Part- 2

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11 months ago (cont. from Ch.32 P-1)

"Victor!" As she called, a tiny puppy, who hardly wasn't more than a month old ran towards her. Bondita picked it in her palms and caressed its tiny body.

Victor raised his frontal right paw and traced her cheeks thrice. Apparently, it was the way of recognizing her. She held his paw and said in a childish voice "ha baba, mai hi hu."

"Peter." They heard an old feminine voice from the kitchen. It was their landlady cum caretaker of the cottage where those boys stayed. Hearing the name taken by her, Bondita chuckled and said "Lagta hai Mrs. Margaret ne aaj tak Pratham pronounce karna seekha hi nahi." To which he frowned.

"Peter! Why aren't you responding? You spoiled brat!" This time Bondita laughed aloud hearing this and scoffed at the word 'spoiled brat'.

"Is that a voice of a girl!" She again screamed from there hearing Bondita's laughter. "How many times I've warned, no girls allowed!"

"First you come out and see who's here." Pratham replied being irritated.

A fair skinned British lady with short golden-brown curls which reached till her ears, who is in her late 50s came out of the kitchen with a grumpy expression removing her apron. As soon as she saw Bondita, her grumpiness changed into happiness.

"Suzie!" She addressed Bondita and came near her. "My sweet little Suzie, Where had you been?" She asked pulling her cheeks. But before Bondita could reply, she smacked his head lightly and with a creased eyebrows saying "How many times did I call you Peter, couldn't you say that she is here?"

"That's because I'm Pratham, not Peter!" He said with a frown.

Mrs. Margaret always had a hard time pronouncing Indian names and words, thus she use her own way of addressing them and with time they have already got used to it.

But the case was different with Bondita. She had seen her since when she was new in London at the age of 12 and before she could know her name, she started to call her Suzie which precisely meant lily, that too an elegant one. Apparently in the memory of her late daughter who died at the same age of Bondita when she met her, she started calling her that to which Bondita also never denied.

"See, I've made your favorite cookies. You can pack and take along during... your departure." She completed with a sad face.

Bondita handed Victor to him and hugged her "don't say like this, we will surely meet again. Shotti." They chuckled together.

She went inside the kitchen to pack the delicacy for Bondita while the puppy barked again and jumped out from his hold. He went towards Bondita's white sling bag which was fallen on the floor. A photograph was peeping out of the opening and he pulled it out. It was Anirudh's photo.

 It was Anirudh's photo

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