01 } Evacuate & Vacate Abroad

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ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU LEARN IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IS TO NEVER BE THE HERO. It will always get you killed, and it will never hold any amount of significance over yourself, or the people you attempted to help. 

It was just last week one of the guys in my unit was out on rations duty for some stupid thievery EVA calls a crime and didn't come back because he tried to help a stranger.

I'm also remembering that now as I hand an older woman back her sack of various vegetables. She looks at me like she fears me, and when she notices I'm helping her, she looks at me like I disgust her. 

"I will pay you no money for scaring those boys off." She snaps sharply, stepping away. 

Money isn't even useful anymore.

"I wasn't expecting any." I return calmly and bored. 

"Then why would help me?" She asks, eyes a little softer, but still wary. Everyone understands now that you don't trust strangers no matter how they make themselves appear. There are young kids on the sidewalks of safe zones pretending to be starving before they shiv you and take the clothes off your back.

Truth is, I ran head first in the a qualm in the middle of the lifeless street because I saw a lady on the ground surrounded by a group of boys and was already previously frustrated. When a certain scrawny teenager tripped in my way, it was easier to push him away and act as a saviour instead of continuing my walk. 

"To be a good samaritan." I answer dryly, a twinge of sarcasm there as well, and turn around without waiting for a continuation of that conversation. 

Safe zones are posted all around now. There are three in each state, and if you're fortunate enough - you'll be able to make it to one. Otherwise, you're stuck out in the wild. With them

I'd give you a name, but there are far too many. Far too many descriptions and codes. However, in a child-like answer, I will hand you one word. And that is; zombies. Humans with their faces and flesh falling apart, that just so happen to eat the live flesh they don't have.

We kept on declaring what we'd do during an apocalypse as kids. We never knew everything we stated or planned back then meant nothing and would never have worked. Obviously we never thought it would actually happen in the first place as well.

Grocery stores are packed with infected, freshwater streams are rare, and the only place you can truly be safe from infected - is far too rural for survival. 

One of my coworkers from before the pandemic told me he was packing his things and taking his family to the forest. The last I heard of him, he was eating them. Not because he was infected, not because he'd been bitten, because they couldn't survive out there, and he was manic and hungry. 

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