08 } Helmet

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THE HIGHWAY WAS ACTING AS A PATH FOR US TO FIND OUR WAY TO COLORADO. Now, we know that there is a group of torn up monsters running on all fours in the same direction. So without our path, we have to properly follow the map without it being a cheat-style trail. 

I still can't believe I survived that. Sure, I'm immune, but they can still rip me to shreds and kill me. I was so startled when I stood there that all I could think about was my breathing. I closed my eyes tight and focused on my heart - and for a moment I swear it just stopped beating. 

Then Blake's voice brought me back and I jumped for dear life up and onto the bridge, a complete mess.

Now we're off to the side of the highway, deeper into the forest. Lope holds the map Blake and I took from my grocery store (which I'm finding I miss every day now) and Nari sticks by my side the entire time we walk. 

Petra, much to my surprise, seems to be the most calm out of all of us. She's at the back of the group with Rikki - trying to communicate with him using the little sign language she knows. The six of us are an odd bunch I've realised. An odd, but very lucky bunch. 

"Did you burn your hands going up the rope?" Nari asks me. 

"I think so." I say bringing my palms up to look at them, "I was too busy being, yknow, terrified to even realise."

"Yeah," He chuckles showing me his raw palms, "Mine did too. Don't worry - Ella has ointments back at ACE. She'll treat them properly when we get back."


"The doctor. Ella Pierce." He nods.

"Oh." I voice, "I guess I never really asked for her name."

"You'll learn a lot of names at ACE." He smiles - a boyish, handsome kind of one, "And you won't be in danger, which is a bonus."

"No danger in the zombie apocalypse? Sounds like a dream." I scoff. 

"God, I still can't wrap my head around it." He shakes his head, "Then again - given us humans - a zombie apocalypse seems sort of realistic, doesn't it?"

"How?" I ask amused. Because it does not seem realistic at all to me. One day there's a sudden pandemic? It goes away and then comes back more hungry - this time wiping us out?

"I heard shit about those mushrooms on the TV when I was younger. It was like infecting ants and stuff, making them kill each other - it makes sense that one day something similar could happen to us." Nari shrugs. 


"Okay, what do you think then?" He asks, crossing his arms. 

"I think it was crazy scientists," I shrug, "I think little men in lab coats created a deadly concoction and it escaped so now we're all paying the prise."

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