31 } Cruel Laughter

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PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW THEIR BACKS HURT FROM SLEEPING ON THE GROUND IN A SLEEPING BAG IN A TENT. But as someone who spent a year sleeping on a pile of jumpers? I couldn't complain. 

"No seriously, like, I might have scoliosis." Vee says when she joins the main tent (main tent being the massive one with a bunch of tables combined in the middle to make this look like a goddamn war council).

"I can assure you, you don't." Seb says. But it's not teasy. He literally takes a step back to observe her just in case - much to my simultaneous amusement and confusion. 

"Where do you sleep otherwise...?" I ask, folding my arms on the table in front of me. 

"Um? On a bed?" Vee says like it's obvious.

"...right." Alright apparently the bikers are more loaded than we thought if they all have those sleeping arrangements. 

"Alright!" Suddenly everyone's attention is drawn to the far end of the table where Gray is, Blake beside him and Ella on his other side. The tent quietens down at his voice, easily commanded, and the people who aren't right at the table - instead off into the crowd of the tent - stand up straight to see. 

"For the next couple of days, a portion of us will be out to do some background work on EVA. The rest of you will remain here and continue readying yourselves and scavenging. Vee," Gray gestures to Vee beside me, everyone's heads turning in her direction as well, "You'll be in charge when I'm gone."

"Aye aye Captain." She salutes to him. 

"Blake here," He nods his head to his right, "Has the most experience with EVA considering he was in one of their rebel camps. He'll be paired with someone to go out and infiltrate their Colorado base in search of assessments of their materials so we know what we're up against. Penelope-"

"Lope." She butts in quickly, correcting him. 

"Right." Gray nods, "Penelope here will be doing the same but branching off in a different direction from Blake. We'll pair her up as well. We're trying to put as little amounts of people in there as possible, so that we don't alarm them. Right now, the only advantage we have over EVA is they don't know we're coming. We'd like to keep it that way." 

Someone in the crowd puts their hand up, barely peeking over the people in front of them, "If they die while they're there, what do we do?"

Gray turns to Blake for a moment, holding eye contact before facing everyone again, "They won't." 

"Sylvie and I," Gray continues, "Will also be paired for...different reasons. We'll be in there as well. When the six of us are gone, you guys need to be on high alert. Because we don't know what will happen while we're all there - if they'll find us out and send people here, if they'll try and torture answers out of us-"

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