07 } Highway To Hell

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FUCKING EXCHANGE. I was on a fucking exchange program three years ago, and it ruined my life. Of course when I had initially learnt I'd won a spot on the tour I was ecstatic. America is like...the zoo for aliens. If aliens were to ever come to Earth, America is what we'd show them. Not because it's our most impressive country - but because it wraps up humanity pretty nicely. 

Narcissism, selfishness, and a whole lotta guns. That's humanity. Or how I've seen it for the last three years.

Then me and two other of my classmates got kidnapped. We were kept indoors, not able to see the sun for years, and boom. Suddenly there's an apocalypse.

I found out about the apocalypse three months into it. Me and the other girls were woken up and told to get moving. We were getting transferred. That's when we saw it for the first time. How rundown the place had suddenly become.

Then it was back in a new building, kept in a room with no windows, getting used. 

Eventually I was the last girl. Which when you first look at it, may seem lucky because it was me of all people that survived - but then when you really look at it, it was the worst luck on earth. Because it was just me. Alone. Getting used.

I managed to persuade them to give me a knife. Said if an infected person found their way in I'd need to defend myself. It took some trust but they believed me and handed one over. I spent all of my time practicing with it. 

Killed one of them.

He came in for a round. Was being aggressive with it - probably had an extra tough day. Someone like me could never understand his anger. I was only, you know, in a foreign country far from my family locked up in a lightless room and getting used as a sex slave. 

He was yapping on about rations. About being told what to do by their leader. How he didn't feel in control. All while he unbuckled his belt, to take away my control. 

Anger can be a powerful and suffocating reaction. It's a strong upsurge of negative energy that grips onto a person and is brought on by a particular circumstance or occurrence. A person's body and mind go through a number of physiological and psychological changes when they feel a rush of fury.

My fury was festering. It was festering for weeks before that fateful day - and when he was close enough - I finally snapped.

With a scream I leapt up and stabbed him in the neck. I didn't let go or drop the blade, I pulled it out and stabbed him again. This time in his lungs. Then again, in his eye. I kept on going, and going, and going, and I couldn't stop. 

Something dangerous happened. I let go

When I finally stopped, he was a limp and bloody mess. His eyeball was oozing out of it's socket, organs were falling out of his body and his face looked unrecognisable. He looked as torn and batted as the infected outside the building. 

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