22 } Wedding Bells

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NOTE TO SELF: NEVER EVER GO THROUGH THE BANK AGAIN. It's nice now that we're out an alive - with no injuries minus Petra's possible concussion - but still, falling and being the only conscious one for a few minutes was possibly the scariest thing to happen to me in a while. Including the widow attack mere days ago before returning home and including running from the bikers through a forest. 

Given Dom's berating, I'd say he agrees.

"And you!" He jabs a finger at my chest, "Never ever will I ever save your ass again if you take that long to respond to me, I thought you were dead!"

I smirk, "C'mon Dom, I'll die a heroes death, not from a snapped neck - you know this."

"Lope do not play with me right now."

I clear my throat, "Right."

"But like..." Petra starts off as everyone turns to her, "I mean - I definitely preferred that over the alternatives...so...."

"Oh you didn't mind getting a concussion?" Nari raises a brow, crossing his arms. 

"It wasn't terrible, no." She says sarcastically before rolling her eyes, "But seriously. I'm fine. I don't have one."

"We don't know that!" Nari scoffs. 

"I think I'd know!" Petra retorts. 

"Okay guys," I come in between them, "Let's settle down. We're still on a mission...sort of. We still have a goal."

"Right." Dom nods and shakes his head, "Mission rescue dilf and steam punk chick."

"And Mars." I add quickly.

"Duh," Dom rolls his eyes, "By calling Blake a dilf I thought that implied he had a child."

"They're not like that actually." I point out.

"Seriously?" Dom questions, "But I thought you said they were partnered up before you guys-"

"Yeah, but they didn't even know each other. I thought we went through this dude." I sigh. 

"Don't worry," Nari shrugs, "We all thought the two of them were like that too when we met."

"Really?" I grin in his direction, "I would have thought you were too busy checking Mars out instead of guessing if Blake was her father-"

"Shush. You don't get snarky privileges after you scared the shit out of all of us." Nari interrupts, glaring at me with his arms still crossed.

"Whatever." I mutter, looking down and kicking at a random pebble. 

"Can we like get a move on then?" Harley speaks up, "Because the daylight is shorter than the night time so let's save these fuckers and get home please."

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