32 } The Infiltration

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THERE ARE AWFUL AMOUNTS OF TENSION. And for once, it's not primarily because of me. Only a little. Which is a record given my reputation. 

It's between me and Sylvie, because obviously - but then, there's also something going on with Blake and Mars. Which is evident when she chooses to walk alongside me and glare at his back whilst Sylvie leads the way. Penelope and Petra are in their own little world. 

Sylvie and I have known where EVA resides in each state for like the whole apocalypse. We've just never really had a plan or an army to do anything with that knowledge - and I mean, we didn't even have each other. I'm surprised Blake hasn't asked yet how we know where EVA is. I doubt he, Mars or anyone would like that answer. It's become the one thing Sylvie and I can agree on I think. That...that stays between us. We'd probably be hunted with pitchforks by everyone - even those loyal to us - if they found out what Sylvie and I know. 

"How do silencers even work?" Mars asks to my right, fidgeting with the gun in her hands. We added a barrel to the end - not a professional silencer - since we're more-so infiltrating that storming the base. 

"The trap the sound." I reach over and tap the barrel on the end, "So it's sort of suppressed, and then the bullet flies quietly and it all depends on how loud the body falls to know if you're safe." 

"So it's still just chance?" She tilts her head before pushing her red hair behind her ears and back. 

"Usually." I shrug, looking at her loose hair and pulling a rubber band off of my wrist, "Will this do?"

"Huh?" She stares at it.

"For your hair." I gesture to the red strands that now, when we enter a momentary patch of sunlight, shine orange and golden with auburn streaks. 

"Oh. Yeah. Thanks." She reaches out and takes it, running her thumbs behind her ears to grab it all and tying it up. Her hair is...long. When we first met it was probably past her shoulders, but now it hits low beyond her navel - which, yup, super inconvenient - but also super distracting nonetheless. 

"I'll probably need to cut it." She mutters when she finally finishes tying it all up. 

"I mean it hasn't gotten in the way of you yet..." I trail off.

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah but it's super heavy and it will eventually. Also, it's a lot to wash. Like it takes twenty minutes to fucking get it all wet anyway-"

"I can cut it for you you know. With like a knife." I offer. Because despite liking her long hair, there's a part of me that prefers to be helpful that takes over. 

"Nuh-uh." She shakes her head, "You'll fuck it up. I'll ask Lope when we get back." 

"I won't fuck it up." I narrow my eyes at her.

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