38 } Eat Men Like Air

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The day before Petra and Lope go their respective ways

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The day before Petra and Lope go their respective ways...


"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET YOU OUT..." Alex speaks aloud to herself. She's been taking samples of my blood, pretending to prod at me with different pieces of equipment and marking down words that are completely foreign to me on a clipboard for the last twenty-four hours. 

"Surely there's someone I could pay off...a guard maybe...but then who knows what would happen if they snitch. And if it's a man - I can't trust him around you on your own in the woods, but if it's a woman - that just makes you two women for other men out there to try and get ahold of and-"

"Alex, honey." I stand up, still in this hospital gown and feeling like a freak, "Just breathe. I can figure my own way out...just promise not to let me die in the meantime, yeah?"

She stares at me, looking up because she's actually quite short despite Sylvie and Gray being pretty tall, her fringe clipped back by clips, "You truly are naive." 

"Naive?" I repeat, shocked by her bluntness. 

"How do you plan on getting out of here? On your own?" She raises a brow. 

"I was going to find a way to bring you with me obviously." I roll my eyes. 

"You...were?" She sounds sceptical, eyeing me up and down. 

"Duh." I shrug, "You think I'll be returning to Gray without you?"

Alex sighs, an expression of pity overtaking her features, "Listen, I want you to have an out, but honestly...I'm too scared of EVA to leave myself. I mean I'm smart okay, like super vital to this whole operation because I'm the only one who could perform surgery on you since I've been trained for it since I was five but-" She cuts her rambling off to take a deep breath before continuing, "I don't know survival skills. Or how to use a gun. I mean, maybe if you gave me a knife I could figure that out - but I might just stab someone too lightly and drop the thing because it's disgusting-"

"Hold on, hold on." I interrupt her, shaking my head from the overload of information she tends to give me at times, "Can't you just like...pretend it's a surgery? Surely going at people's insides with a scalpel is more disgusting than stabbing someone?"

"Right..." She nods to herself, "Right. Yeah. I could do that." 

"Soooo, you'll come with me?"

She glares instantly, "No. I'm unable anyway - Jade and Laurel wouldn't let either of us leave, and there's no way we're getting out of this building with their security." 

"Sure, sure...we're both the most important things in this building..." I mutter, sort of to myself, trying to figure out some sort of plan. 

Really, I'm nothing. The only thing I have going for me is that I'm immune. Without that, I don't have battle strategy or some sort of high IQ or even the combat skills. I've killed under five zombies - and they were tough work - and despite learning how to use a gun pretty quickly, I've never actually...like fired it at someone. Other than when we first infiltrated EVA...but that was easy. That one human kill. They were wearing a mask, and they seemed more like a nobody than a somebody - and I did it without thinking. 

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