10 } Not Scared

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"WE'RE IN COLORADO NOW." LOPE SAYS OUT OF LITERALLY NOWHERE. I have to swivel on my feet and face her, eyes wide and mouth agape.


"Yup." She nods.

"Holy shit-"

"It's still a days travel." Nari comes up beside me and slings an arm around my shoulder, "Get this excited when we're finally at ACE quarters."

"Wow, I can't wait to get proper sleep." I shake my head, "You guys have blankets right?"

"Obviously," He rolls his eyes, "And we have beds."

"Whole beds?"

"Working, wooden, beds." He hums. 

"I might cry from joy." I fake a sniffle. 

"Oh don't cry," Nari plays along, "If you cry you'll make me cry."

I snort, "Okay, you got me to stop quick."

"I can't wait to have a chicken sandwich." Lope groans as she trudges ahead of the group. I'm surprised by her stamina. How she's usually at the front - never slows down, runs when needed, still somehow has the strength to draw her bow and aim it. Then again, given all of these happenings, I shouldn't be surprised by her stamina at all. 

"God, I forgot chicken sandwiches even existed." I agree before letting out a yawn. I also can't wait to have a proper sleep. Not one spent on the forest group, or a sleeping bag on the concrete - or even a pile of clothes in the corner of a grocery store. 

"I can't wait for cold water." Nari chimes in, arm still slung around my shoulders. He's a very comfortable person I've learnt. If he wants to hug me, he well, if he wants to put his arm around me, he will. Me on the other hand? I usually hate that stuff. But for some reason, I'm sorta liking it here. 

You see, Nari is new to me. I'm aware I like him. In a different way I like everyone else. But I'm not used to this feeling - because usually, with crushes, I just watched from afar. In high school I didn't talk to girls let alone boys, and so my experience is close to zero. Here though, he talks to me. Likes to talk to me. Maybe even likes me the same considering his banter. The issue - is that I don't know what the fuck to do about it.  

"You guys got fridges or something?" I ask, trying not to make a big deal about his arm around me. 


"Wait, what?"

"We have fridges." He shrugs.

"Don't you need electricity for that?" I sputter.

"Mm." He smirks. 

"Shut up." I let my mouth drop open. 

He makes a zipping gesture with his hand across his lips, still grinning when he does it. 

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