Chapter 12

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         I walked down the stairs, yanking my hair out of my face. It was my first day off in a week, and I was excited to lie on the couch, smoke a joint, and watch television until I fall asleep. i already had a rough idea of what movies I was going to watch. Madison was at the table, inhaling the waffles in front of her.

"Did you leave any for me?" I asked, opening the fridge.

Madison made a sound in her throat, "I've got to go. Dustin comes home today and there's a surprise party at the Wheelers. I promised I'd help set it up."

"Do you need a ride over?"

"No, I'm going to ride my bike. Nancy said she'd drive us if we needed to go anywhere."

I nodded, putting the kettle on the stovetop, "call me if you want a ride home. Tell Max and the others too."

It wasn't long until I was alone in the house. I got dressed, but not in anything spectacular. An old band shirt that made me think Eddie was the original owner, and a pair of sleeping shorts. Back in the living room, I realized I'd slept much longer than I originally thought. Starting the dishes to must've appeared while I was getting changed, a pounding on the front door made me jump. 

Billy stood on the other side, arms crossed and visibly upset. I opened the door further, motioning him inside.

"What's up?" I asked, going back to the kitchen, "is everything okay?"

I glanced up at Billy as he sat down at the table, wincing. I paused, turning off the water. I tapped my finger against the sink's edge.

"What happened?"

"Does it even matter? I pissed my dad off and he let me know it just as he does every time."

I nodded, going back to the dishes. I didn't have anything new to say. I've already told Billy everything I thought about the situation. I'd even offered for him and Max to stay here. But Billy refused to run. He was going to take it until he could leave for good. 

Placing the dishes on the drying rack, Billy leaned against the counter beside me, face towards the floor.

"Do you want to watch a movie? We have popcorn. I think there's a couple new movies lying around here that Madison got from the mall. We can just lie on the couch," I glanced up at him, drying my hands. He weakly shrugged.

Not getting a proper response, I opened the fridge and reached in for a bottle of water. As I straightened, Billy stepped up behind me. His hands gripped my hips and his breath warmed my neck.

"Billy, what're you doing?" I asked, my voice barely making it out of my throat. He didn't answer, only placing light kisses along my neck. Subconsciously, I tilted my head to give more access. One hand slipped further onto my stomach, tightening his hold. A gasp flew out of my mouth as Billy spun me. The fridge door slammed shut, Billy pushing my back into it. His face was inches from mine. I felt drunk on his breath. My now empty hands ran up his chest. His hand slid from my stomach to my jaw, gripping it tightly. Billy's lips connected with mine and I couldn't bring myself to pull away.

Flashes of the night months ago, when Billy's rage overtook him and assaulted Steve. The terrifying expression filled my mind. I pushed against Billy's chest, catching my breath. The hand against my face tried to pull me back, but I moved my face away. Billy's pupils were huge, his tongue darting the wet his lip.

"Billy, stop," I sternly whispered.

"Why? I know you want me too," Billy's hand shifted and he began placing his lips against my jaw, "it'll distract me. Please."

My eyelids fluttered closed, but I needed to stop. I couldn't keep the face out of my head. I pushed on Billy's chest again and he stepped away, sighing. His lips tightened, his chest heaving. He was attractive as always. The temptation to grab his shirt front and bring his face back to mine was strong. But that night flashed through my mind, along with the countless girls he slept with stopped my wants quickly.

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