Chapter 29

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Knowing that if I took my car, Steve would try to lose me, I got into the backseat with the kids. Robin paused, glancing between Steve and I before getting in the front. Max and Dustin looked at me, trying not to be obvious with their confusion. As we drove towards the remote house, Steve continuously looked at me through the rearview mirror. I sat behind Robin so occasionally I saw him look at me over his shoulder through my peripheral vision. I stared out the window, tapping my hand against my leg. God, please let Eddie be at his drug dealer's house.

"What happened with you two?" Robin whispered. I didn't know if she meant for me to hear.

"Nothing," Steve grumbled.

If we weren't hunting for my missing best friend because he was being accused of murder, I'd think this was a pretty house. It looked right out onto Lovers Lake. Even came with its own dock. I'd like to come back here during the daytime though.

I threw open the car door before Steve barely stopped the car. Dustin ran ahead, ringing the doorbell repeatedly. Due to Dustin's preparedness, we had flashlights, aiming them at the dark house and around the property.

"Okay. Well, that's settled. I guess he's not here," Steve said, light aimed at the door. I glared at Steve before walking along the house.

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin yelled. We were lucky no one was around. The boy had a set of lungs on him.

"Great" Steve muttered. Once again, I was tempted to throw something at him. This time, my only option was rocks.

"Look, we just wanna talk, okay?" Dustin called. I wrapped my hand around the side of my neck, anxiety bubbling.

"No cops, I swear. We just wanna help. Eddie!"

Robin shushed him, looking around. Dustin paused then continued to press the doorbell. I faced away from everyone, looking into the woods across the street. Was there a shed hidden somewhere?

"Rick!" Dustin changed to banging on the door, "Reefer Rick!"

"Don't scream that," Steve pointed out, giving Dustin a look.


"He's not there," Steve said, the two of them going back and forth as usual.

"Reefer Rick!"

"Just," Steve tried to push Dustin back from the door.

"He could just be really high."

"Is that a foot?" Steve asked from behind me.

"No, that's a shoe."

"Hey, guys?"

We all turned, our lights resting on Max. She stood at the edge of the house, light aiming towards the lake. We joined her, a second building appearing. A boat house. I was almost relieved. We started down the hill, but Steve grabbed my arm.

"Can you please stay back? He could still be in the house or something else could be in that building. Just in case," he asked, "please."

I was too stressed to fight with him and his overbearing attitude, so I threw my hands up in defeat. Robin had hung behind, hearing the entire interaction. She followed Steve to the building, looking back at me with guilt. I shook my head. This wasn't on her. I paced back and forth as the four of them went inside.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud and Steve and Dustin began yelling. Before Dustin yell out Eddie's name, I was already running down the hill. I grabbed the door frame and flung myself through the open space. Max and Robin were closest to the door, freaked out. Dustin held his hands in the air, trying to talk Eddie down. Eddie, who had a broken bottle to Steve's neck, pinned against the wall.

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