Act 3 - Chapter 26

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October 1985

          "Eddie, it's okay. It was your first test of the year. We'll focus on studying chemistry more, that's all," I leaned my head against his open locker door, "I know it's frustrating, but you've done worse on tests before. We both know that. Getting a D isn't the worst."

Eddie sighed, adjusting his black tackle box/lunch box/drug carrier at the bottom of his locker before peering at me. He was defeated and my heart broke. Eddie insisted on doing his first tests by himself, hoping the study habits I'd taught him over the summer would help.

"Jess, don't give me that look."

"What look?" I straightened, adjusting my grip on my textbooks.

"Like I'm a kicked puppy. You look sad, and it makes me feel like I've done something to hurt you," Eddie shut his locker, pushing my hair off my shoulder, "and I don't like that feeling."

I tisked, wrapping my arm around his neck, pulling him into a half hug.

"Eddie, you haven't done anything wrong. I just feel bad. You tried your best and it didn't turn out well like it should."

Eddie wrapped both his arms around me, his binder tapping my side. I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. Eddie's scent was so comforting. I could melt into it. His cheek rested against my shoulder, his breath against my neck.

"Watch out everyone, the freak's having lunch in the hallway."

Eddie and I pulled apart, turning our heads to the trio of seniors stopped in the hall beside us. Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes towards the ground.

"Wow, a vampire? How original," I sarcastically commented, "seriously, I've never heard that before."

"Jess, let's go," Eddie tugged on my elbow. I knew he wasn't in the mood and I was prepared to let them continue walking by without another word. However, they weren't.

"Yeah Jess, you should go before everyone sees the bite marks," the only girl in the group, Patsy I think, stepped forwards and reached for my neck. I roughly smacked her hand away, and the boys behind her started to 'ou'. I rolled my eyes, again ready to walk away.

"I know you're new around here, but people recommend not to spend time with the freak. It's a safety issue."

My glare moved away from Patsy to her friends.

"I'm pretty sure the safety issue would be spending time around you three. Brain cells die from listening to you breath."

In my mind, I heard El calling them 'Mouthbreather'. Unintentionally, I smirked. Patsy stepped closer, crossing her arms over her chest. I looked at the girl, no expression on my face. She was trying to challenge me, but dramatically, to sit in the good graces of the boys behind her.

"What's so funny? You'd rather spend time around the freak than actually have a social life?"

I smirked, pushing my tongue against my lower teeth. I glanced at Eddie before Patsy. He took a deep breath, raising his eyebrows briefly. He knew this wasn't ending peacefully. Patsy stood close enough that I leaned forward and was in her personal space.

"How do you know Eddie is the one to watch out for? Like you said, I'm pretty new."

Pasty's head jolted back, worry flicking in her eyes and she stepped back. Recovering, the girl scoffed and led her friends away. My serious face broke and I started laughing. Eddie tossed his arm over my shoulders.

"You're a menace, Connors."

I looked up at Eddie with a grin on my face, "shut up, Munson, or I'll let them bully you relentlessly."

We headed for my locker to get rid of my books. Eddie put his hand over his chest dramatically.

"I'm offended, but I shall shut up. Who else would let me feed off them?"

Eddie made a dramatic hissing sound, and rested his mouth against my neck. He pinched skin between his covered teeth and I couldn't help the laughter shaking through me.

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