Chapter 16

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          After dropping a sleepy Dustin at his house, I drove Steve and Robin back to my own. After the stakeout, Steve didn't feel like being alone and once she heard him ask, Robin got offended she wasn't invited too.

"Don't worry, if you two make out, I won't interrupt," Robin commented from the back seat.

I rolled my eyes at her through the rearview mirror, "thank you."

The house was silent as we walked inside. After kicking my wet shoes off, I turned the lights on. I was tempted to fall asleep on the couch and leave the other two to their own devices.

"Where's Madison?" Steve asked, putting his shoes next to mine.

"Max's. They're having a sleepover with El."

"Should we get drunk then?" Robin wandered into the kitchen, opening the fridge. Her voice sounded a little more awake with that question. Steve and I looked at each other, rolling our eyes. I tossed my jacket onto the bannister.

"I don't think we have alcohol," I called to her.

"You never have any when I'm here," I heard Steve's voice mutter.

I lifted myself onto the counter, watching my friends walk around the kitchen. Robin took a bite out of an apple, leaning against the counter.

"I'm going to take a shower if that's cool," Steve said.

I nodded, "yeah, your stuff is under the sink."

"Thanks," he responded, rubbing his face.

"How many hair products does he keep here?" Robin fake whispered.

"I don't know, like fifteen? Twenty if you count the travel sizes. A few skin care products too," I answered.

"I can still hear you two!" Steve called from the stairs. Robin and I burst into giggles. Once the shower water turned on, Robin moved to the counter beside me.

"Why did you look so stressed when you came in earlier?"

I bit my lower lip, staring at Robin. She continued to munch on the apple. The look in her eyes was genuine curiosity. 

I sighed, "do you promise to keep your judgments to a minimum?"

Robin used her finger to cross over her chest, "I'll do my best."

Tapping my fingers against the counter, I looked away, "Billy Hargrove was here when I got home and we made out."


Robin stood straight, mouth open with a piece of apple almost falling out. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not the first time. I think - "


"Robin! Shut up, and listen or I won't tell you anymore."

Robin sat down on the floor, crossing her legs, "please continue."

"I think there's something wrong with him. He says he's not sick, but he hasn't slept. He doesn't look health," I explained, "I guess he came to hide out for awhile. I didn't even know he was here."

"When was the first time? Was he any good? Did you guys have sex?"

I was thankful Robin didn't look disgusted with my admission. She was just significantly more curious.

"It was a few days ago. We both were free of our sisters, and he was having a really bad day. He wanted to have sex, but we ended up just making out and," I paused, "stuff."

Robin scrunched her nose, "gross."

"I didn't expect it to go that far. He wasn't bad at it or anything. His reputation makes total sense," I told her, shrugging.

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