Chapter 45 - The End?

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Four months later...

         It was July 1986 and we had officially graduated. Robin, Nancy, and I walked across the stage at a high school in the next town over. The Hawkins students who stayed behind were divided and bussed to the nearest towns to complete the year. Our school year ended up going longer than usual, but we graduated.

It was a bittersweet day. I spent the morning crying with Eddie's shirt in my hands. I felt guilty for being excited to graduate. It was the one thing Eddie wanted and he wasn't getting it.

Two hours before the ceremony, Steve helped me pull myself together and get ready for the ceremony. To the horror of Principal Higgins and other Hawkins admin, I kept my graduation robe wide open as I crossed the stage, my own Hellfire shirt revealed underneath. I painted my nails black and had Eddie's ring on my thumb. I threw up the Rock sign once the diploma was in my hands. I could hear Steve cheering louder than everyone else. All six kids stood against the back wall, screaming their heads off for us all.

The day after I graduated, my mother announced she was selling the house. Madison and I had two options; either move to Indianapolis with her or find our own house here. It wasn't a question or a discussion. I promised Madison at the beginning of the school year that we wouldn't leave until she graduated and I was going to keep my promise.

Steve's parents came home for six days to make sure their house was still in a presentable state after the 'earthquake'. They considered selling their house too, but most of their visit was spent criticizing their son for having to find another job. As if it was his fault Family Video fell into the earth.

After that visit, Steve decided to move in with Madison and I officially. He didn't want to be stuck in that lonely house anymore and on his father's leash.

Added to our chaotic new household, Robin's parents wanted to move out of Hawkins, completely freaked out over everything. But she wasn't ready to go yet. We were all anxious that something could happen when one of us wasn't looking.

So the four of us, well Robin, Steve, and I, rented a townhouse fairly cheaply, in the next town over. We were a five minute drive from Hawkins town lines.

          And that's what today's goal was. We'd packed all of our stuff into two moving vans, and piled all the kids into mine and Nancy's cars.

Everyone except Max.

She was still unconscious, showing slight improvements. I had a feeling it was mostly because of El, who visited every day. She'd mentioned that she went into Max's 'void'/mind and searched. I don't know what she was searching for. I don't think she knew either. I was doing my best not to rely heavily on hope but I think El was making some sort of progress.

Every day, Madison and I woke up early and visited our chosen-sister, picking up Lucas on the way. His family had moved out of Hawkins, now only living a few streets away from us. Out of the Party, the Sinclairs were the only ones to leave Hawkins. Dustin's mother couldn't afford the move, no matter how scared she was of everything. The Wheelers weren't moving. It was the principle of it, said Mr Wheeler. Their house was also entirely safe from getting swallowed any time soon.

          I sat on the front steps, beer in my hand. My bottom lip was between my teeth, doing my best to stop myself from laughing at the chaos that was preparing to unfold on the driveway.

I smirked at Will as he sat beside me. He and Jonathan had flown back for a few weeks of summer vacation. They were staying with us, at least for most of their visit. Jonathan and Nancy were toeing the line of breaking up or moving forward. It was an odd predicament they were in. I'd been on the phone with Nancy for a solid fourteen hours this past week, talking about it. Even more if you counted the weeks since spring break. Will didn't want to stay in Hawkins. He hated the heaviness he felt all the time there. I knew what he meant. I felt it too.

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