Chapter 28

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           We pulled into the school parking lot, and I stopped outside the entrance closest to the music room. Robin yelled a thanks before slamming the door. I parked the GTI in my regular spot. I had half an hour before the doors opened. The other team's bus was here and the parking lot was filling quickly. Leaning my seat back, I got comfortable. Looking around, I caught sight of a blue Camaro a few rows over. I knew it wasn't his, but man, my heart stopped for a second.

           Billy was in a good mood when I dropped Max off, being really sweet. I'd barely pulled into my own driveway when Billy arrived in the Camaro. He told me to get in that he wanted to take me somewhere. I yelled into the house to Madison that I'd be back and got into the Camaro. Billy turned on Metallica and drove for a while. Once we left Hawkins, Billy rested his hand on my knee. Before I got the chance to potentially ruin the peaceful mood he was in and ask if he was going to murder me, we pulled off the road to a large corn field.

"Come on," he instructed, turning up the radio and leaving his door open.

"I say this in the most humorous tone possible, but I'm not having sex with you in a field Billy."

Billy laughed, his curls shaking. A few feet away from the car, Billy grabbed my hand and yanked me to him. Keeping his hand around mine, Billy placed his other hand on my waist. I rested mine on his shoulder. Billy moved my hand to the back of his neck. He tugged me close, starting to dance. I wanted to joke over slow dancing to Metallica, but I was afraid to ruin the moment. My heart wouldn't let me. I didn't paint, but the mental image of me in the flowy dress ending at my knees, Billy in his classic jeans and half-done up collared shirt in a field under the stars would make a beautiful piece.

A bang against the hood of my car shocked me back to reality. Steve was walking past with his date. I still couldn't remember her name. He looked at me with concern. I straightened, lazily waving at him. I'd see him inside. I didn't want to enter with them, interloping on their date. With the blonde girl talking his ear off, Steve peered back at me as they got away. As he faced the school, I noticed the shirt he was wearing.

"Remind me again why I decided to come with you two?" Steve asked, leaning against a clothing rack.

"Honestly, I don't know either. I called Jess and you were there when she picked me up. It was an unpleasant surprise," Robin said, holding up a huge suit jacket.

"Steve, you said and I quote." I mocked his wide stance, hands on hips. "Well I might as well spend my day shopping with you two instead of listening to Henderson talking about Suzie."

Robin threw her head back, laughing at my impression. Giggling, I looked at Steve. He shifted his jaw and moved out of the position I'd just been mocking, to crossed arms instead. The corners of his eyes crinkled though, and I knew he was trying not to laugh. We continued our way around the shop, grabbing a few things to try on. Going through the men's section, I saw a grey shirt.

"Hey Steve?" I called.

"Yup?" He walked over with his hands in his pockets. I held the shirt up to his chest, tilting my head to the side.

"I think you should try this on."

Steve released a loud, dramatic sigh but made his way to the change rooms with the shirt in hand. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics, continuing to wander and looking for a nice pair of jeans.

"Oh, you look like an adult," Robin said behind me. I flicked my hair over my shoulder as I turned and froze, my heart stuttering. Steve stood with his hands on his hips, looking at me with an eyebrow raised. He had the sleeves pushed up and the top two buttons were undone. From the change of shirts, his hair was looking a little wild. He looked delicious.

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