Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room on the floor doing homework. The house was oddly quiet and peaceful.

"Jamie get your arse here now!" yelled Maria, my step-mum.

By the sound of Maria’s voice I could tell that it cannot be good. I runs upstairs from my room in the basement. 

"Yes Maria?" I asked as innocent as possible. I knew why I was called up but I wanted to draw as much attention away from it a possible. 

"Jamie what is this?" Maria asked holding the remains of my lunch, which was one of Maria’s gourmet food dishes.

"Um…" I looked down at her knowing what was going to happen next.

"Answer now you worthless piece of shit!" Maria yelled slamming down the remains of the food.

"It's what I had for lunch." I was trying to hold back the tears in her eyes. Maria slapped me really hard across my face.

"Jamie the food that I buy is not for you and your pathetic older brother but for me and my kids. Next time you do this you are sleeping in the shack." Maria had a devilish smile on her face. One that would make a person stay away from her.

The shack was a poor excuse for a shed. The boards are breaking, the window is broke, the door gets jammed, and the roof has holes.

 “I wish you never married my dad." I whispered to Maria hoping she wouldn’t hear but needed to say it.

"What did you say?" Maria asked turning around.

"I said I wish my dad never married you." It was at this time that I knew that I fucked up. Suddenly Maria pushed me making me twist leg and falling on it. More tears started falling down my face.

"That's it you are definitely sleeping in the shack." Maria said before leaving.

The sound of laughter feels the room.

"You deserved it Lamie." Marine, Jamie’s step sister, said walking down the stairs.

"I can't believe you said that you little bitch." Danny, my step brother and Marine’s twin, said following Marine.

"Jamie! Where are you I need— what happen to you?" Josh said walking in the kitchen.

I gave Josh a look and he knew. Josh helps me back to my room.

“Jamie listen I don't know how to tell this to you, but Maria signed me up for the US Army when I went there to visit Grandma." Josh explained slowly as if I was dumb but I understood and I wish I didn’t.

"What? Don't tell me that they accepted you?" I felt like my world was crashing down once again.

"Yeah and I leave tomorrow."

"What? That's not possible."

"I'm sorry I'm leaving later today only because of the flight."

 The room was quiet for a minute before I spoke.

"I need to get out of here. I'm going to Harry's. Cover for me?"

 "Sure. I'm going to miss you Jamie bear." Josh embraced me with a hug. I was shocked at first but didn’t hesitate to hug back.

"I'll miss you too love you Joshie poo."

"Love you."

“Love you too.” When Josh left the room I grabbed her phone and began texting Harry.

J= Hey Hazza are you at your flat?

H= Hey Jamie, yeah just me and the lads.

J= Can I come over than and spend the night?

H= Yeah Are you ok?

J= I'll tell you when i get there and thanks be there in a few.

H= Ok see you soon.

I pack a bag with clothes for tomorrow, pjs, her phone, and her note book. I walk out the back door to Harry's and Lou's flat. Ten minutes later I make it and I start to think that walking to the flat was a bad choice because my ankle is getting worse. I knock on the door. Harry opens the door and his eyes go wide.

"Are you going to invite me in or just stand there?"

"What happened?"


"Jamie, why don't you move in with us?"

"Because... I don't want to yet and you have work."

“You’ll just go with us on tour."

"Harry its cold."

"Oh Yeah come in."

"Jamie!" Louis yelled while he ran to give me a hug.

"Well hello to you to Louis."

"Hey Jamie!" The other boys said from the couch.

"So what's up, you look horrible?" Louis asked.

"Well thank you Louis but that's not nice."


I tells them the whole story and tried not to cry.

"Jamie just stay with us."  Louis said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"That's what I said." Harry said.

"It's not nice to keep secretes." Liam said scaring me. I didn't see him come in the kitchen.

"It's nothing Liam I'll tell you later, now let’s watch a movie."

“Let’s watch—” yelled Liam.

“No, Liam!” Everyone said in at the same time in protest. Liam pouts.

"Let's watch a scary movie."

"OK" Everyone agrees. Niall puts the DVD in the player. After a few minutes I fell asleep on Louis’ shoulder. 

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