Chapter 26

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Everything was hurting me. I just want to go home. I have bruises from Maria and Marine hitting me and Danny being rough with me. I just want to go home.

“Anything else we should know Miss Styles?” The officer asked me. I shook my head no.

“Then you can go now we will contact you and I’m sorry that this happened to you.” He said walking me out. I didn’t want his pity. I didn’t want anyone’s pity. I sit down on the curb outside and call Louis to pick me up.

I sit in the middle of the back seat of a taxi with Louis and Harry. I didn’t talk or do anything I just sat there in between them. They tried to get me to talk, but failed to do so. I didn’t want their pity. As soon as we got to the hotel we were bombarded by paparazzi. Can’t they leave me alone for once? I wish I never stepped into the spotlight. I should have just stayed the same old Jamie. I wish I never moved in with Harry. It’s because of my stupid decisions I’m in this position. 

“Jamie, c’mon let’s get inside. Paul is out here now.” Harry said touching my shoulder, but I jumped and got scared. Harry let go and looked sad.

“Sorry.” He said looking down.

“It’s okay.” I replied. I felt bad now I had made my cousin sad. I scouted out of the car after Louis. We made a mad dash to the hotel. On our way to the hotel questions like ‘Jamie, is it true that you were raped?’ ‘Jamie are you just a cover up for Larry?’ and so forth. Can’t they shut up for once?

Harry and Louis would try their hardest not to touch me. But it was hard in a semi full elevator. I was shaking think that anyone in this elevator can hurt me. When we got out Harry told Louis and I to stay outside for a second and he went inside the room.

“Jamie, I’m sorry I said that I would protect you, but I didn’t. I shouldn’t have let him hurt you.” Louis said breaking the silence.

“I-it wasn’t your fault, its mine I should have showed you the text her sent last night. I should have stayed with you but I didn’t so it’s my fault.” I say looking down at the floor. I was so scared at first I thought it was you who grabbed me but I was pulled into that wasn’t ours and that’s when I started getting scared. He hurt me physically, emotionally, and mentally. I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same but I can try. I start to cry and Louis tries to comfort me by hugging me but I started shaking.

“S-sorry.”  He said about to let go but I grab his hand and start shaking more but I don’t care. Harry comes and opens the door.

“C’mon in now.” Harry said ushering us in. When we walk into the living room I saw everyone looking. I buried my face in Louis’ chest.

“Louis tell them to stop looking at me please.” I whispered to him.

“Can you please stop staring at her?” He told them. Everyone said sorry and looked somewhere else.

“Can we go to the room?” I whispered again. He didn’t say anything h just led me to the room.

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