Chapter 21

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“Louis, Jamie wake your arses up we have to get to our flight.” I heard someone’s voice say.

“Go away we’re dead.” Louis and I said in unison.

“And this is why you both a couple. But really get up we have to go.” The voice says again. I feel the bed shift upward as Louis gets up.

“Jamie get up please?” Louis asked.

“Fine but you owe me coffee.” I say getting up. I look at the window.

“What, the sun isn’t even up yet why should I?” I asked looking at Liam. Oh I guess that’s who was talking earlier.

“This is going to be a long flight to Australia. Louis make sure you pack her meds and she takes them for the day.” Liam said as he left. I walk sluggishly back to my room to get ready. I quickly change into short-shorts, a shirt like the one I wore to the interview, and flip-flops after my shower. I grab my bags and go down stairs. All the boys are quite mainly because they are all so tired. Louis hands me a cup of water and my pill. I quickly take it and wait outside for everyone and the car. When I get outside I see to black vans.

“Guys the Pedophile cars are here!” I shout through the door. I ran to the car Paul was in and sat in the back after putting my luggage in the trunk. Louis and Harry joined me in the car.

“Who’s the fucktard that thought that getting a plane ride early in the morning in the first place?” I asked being annoyed with my tiredness.

“Simon.” Paul, Louis, and Harry said in unison.

“W-what I mean is that, no I won’t cover it up.” I say laying my head in frustration on Louis.

“Okay we’re here you guys.” Paul said looking towards us at the back of the car. Louis gets out first and I follow. Or at least I try I fall flat on my face.

“Ow! What the hell happened?” I asked rather stupidly.

“You fell dipshit that’s what happened.” Harry replied.

“Harry shut the fuck up I don’t need to deal with your attitude this morning.” I spat.

“You should be talking little Miss Queen of everything.” He spat back.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

 “You, you think that you can order us around like you the boss. But you aren’t in fact you’re the youngest Jamie. You even got your job handed to you on a silver platter. While we had to work our arses off to for two fuckin years. Everything you want you get.”

“I think that this fight should stop.”  Louis said from the trunk of the car.  

“I don’t need to deal with you right now. And it wasn’t handed to me on a silver platter you and Louis asked Simon. So don’t get mad at me for something that you did. And what do you mean I get everything that I want?” I say getting my bag from Louis and walking to airport.

“Honestly I didn’t think that he was going to say yes. I only went because Louis wanted me to go.” Harry and I get in the line for our tickets. I honestly don’t know what made him snap but the only time he snapped like that at me was when took his crayons when we were little.

“I do not get everything I want handed to me you prick.” At this point we were dragged to a private waiting room.

“Yes you do! When you wanted to go to dance classes MY mum paid for you classes. When you wanted to go in an art class MY mum paid for that too. My mum got YOU everything YOU wanted. Fuck you even took away one of my best friends.” Harry then balled his hands in anger.  

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