Chapter 6

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“Don’t go downstairs right now if you’re avoiding Louis.” Liam warned me.

“But I want to go down stairs.” I replied. I walk past Liam and start heading down stairs and see only Louis on the couch with his head in his hands. I walk in the kitchen and see Harry, Zayn, and Niall in a circle talking in hushed voices. They were facing the window. Good I can slip right pass them.

“Hey Jamie, are you alright?” Zayn asked me. I nodded my head no.

“If you want we can cancel tonight?” asked Niall. Oh yeah tonight is date night. The couples are Niall and Mia, Zayn and Suzie, and Harry and Jessica. Louis and I were going but things happened.

“No you guys can go spend time with your girlfriends. I’ll stay here.” I say getting two cans of soda from the fridge.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, don’t let me get in the way of your love lives.” I say as I head up stairs to my room. Liam is still there waiting for me. I hand him the soda as I grab my laptop. I crawl into the bed next to him. I open up my twitter to see pictures of Louis’ and my breakup and Louis with El. Then I see people that I don’t even know tweeting hate about me. ‘She didn’t even deserve him’ ‘She was ugly as fuck’ etc. Liam notices what was at my screen.

“Jamie, don’t listen to them.” He said

“I know. I try. I always have tried.” I reply.

“I’m hungry. Do you want something?” he asked.

“I’ll go with you.” I say real fast not wanting to be left here alone just in case Louis tries to come and talk to me. Liam takes me by the hand down stairs. Louis must be in his room and Niall, Harry, and Zayn must be getting ready for their dates. Soon enough the doorbell rings.

“Coming.” I go answer the door. I see Mia, Suzie, and Jessica as I open the door.

“Hey Jamie, we heard about you and Louis.” Mia says as she pulls me into a hug.

“I know the whole world knows.” I say in reply. I invite the girls in the house.

“Date night isn’t going to be the same without you there.” Said Suzie as Jessica and Mia nod yes in agreement. We all face the stairs and see Zayn, Niall, and Harry walk down the stairs.

“Ready to go ladies?” Zayn asked them. They all nod in agreement. They all walk out the door saying good bye. I go meet Liam in the kitchen. He was making macaroni, veggies, and pork.

“Liam, I’m not hungry so I’m going to head up to my room.” I say heading up into my room. I go in my room lay down and turn on some music of from my laptop.

I put it on full blast as sing along as I get my sketch pad, markers, pen, pencils, and paint from my closet. I take my MacBook and search Google images for something to draw. Just as I start drawing a broken heart as Liam walks in with a tray of food.

“Liam, I told you that I wasn’t hungry.” I say trying not to break my focus on my picture.

“Yeah but I realized that you didn’t eat today with the events that took place today.”


“You’re welcome. So what are you doing?”


“Cool. Can you draw me?”

“Sure Liam. Let me eat first then I’ll draw you.” I say taking my food. Soon enough I finish my food.

An Unusual Cinderella StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant