Chapter 19

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*Jamie’s POV*

What, Zayn likes me? This cannot be happening right now. I love Louis, not Zayn. Oh sweet mother of Jesus I am getting a headache because of this crap.

 “I said I was in love with…… Amy from Pitch Perfect.” Zayn tried to cover up.

“Bullshit! Zayn can I talk to you in the kitchen?” I said walking away from the living room and waiting for Zayn.

“Spill it, how long have you liked me?” I asked being the impatient person I am I started to tap my foot.

“Since I met you about two years ago.” Zayn said looking at his feet.

“Oh boy, not again.” I mutter putting my head in my hands.

“What do you mean not again?” Zayn asked.

“Liam did the exact same thing to me but Louis caught us kissing. Anyway,” I start I don’t want to break Zayn’s heart but I have to do something.

“I like you Zayn, as a friend. Nothing more nothing less. I’m sorry I fell in love with Louis, but there was a short time I like you. But that was when you were on X Factor.” I say. Zayn looked crushed when I said I like him like a friend, but as soon as I said that I liked him before his whole demeanor changed.

“Oh, I’m sorry that I brought up this whole confusing shit.” Zayn says and walked out the room. What am I going to do?

Today, or technically today, is my day for prank week. Liam had done the stupidest prank on me on Monday. Tuesday Niall got me good, with food. Bloody leprechaun. Zayn, well Zayn was full of effort with pranking me. He tried to scare me by popping balloons to wake me up. Well that resulted in me punching Zayn in the balls. Louis, how do I explain Louis’ prank. He pretend to be dead and went to the trouble to have a funeral and let’s just say that I got attacked by puppies somehow. Now Harry, Harry got me really good. While the boys were out “working” I stayed home to work on some dance moves. Well they cut the lights, and mind you it was late at night too, and acted like burglars. They kidnapped me and threw me in my own closet. Louis was good though really, really good but I had a plan to get him.

My first victim: Harry. With the help of my camera man Liam Payne we got the job done.

“Ello youtubers it’s me Jamie Styles at about two in the morning here to get my first target: Harry Styles. Now Harry and I have had it out for each other for years and I finally devised the perfect plan. I am going to use washable hair paint to dye Harry’s hair hot pink. But I won’t stop there; I am going to straighten his hair as well.” I say holding the spray paint. I started with the flat iron and successfully got his hair straight. Then I started to spray his hair. Once I was done I put a note for Harry in the bathroom.

“One down, four more to go.” I say creepily into the camera. I walk into Zayn’s room next.

“Okay this one is going to be a little simpler then the last. I am going to put a bald cap on his head to make him think I shaved off his hair. And to make it more believable I am going to leave the shaver next to him and fake hair everywhere. Mahwah.” I say in a hushed tone of voice. Once I was done I usher Liam out and turned to the camera.

“Okay now I have the other cameras in their bathroom. While I go to sleep and wait to commence the other three pranks I shall get my beauty sleep. Good bye.” I wave to the camera and Liam stopped off.

I heard two loud girlish shrieks come from two different rooms. I heard running coming closer towards me so I go out my camera and flipped it on.

“Jamie, what the hell did you do to us?” Zayn and Harry asked in unison.

“Well first off, I got you good. And second Harry it’s washable and Zayn it’s a bald cap.” I say with a smirk on my face. They looked dumbfounded when I enlightened them.

“And that is how stupid Zayn and Harry are.” I say to the camera. Now commence operation: prank Niall. I climbed out of bed and snuck into Niall’s room and went into his bathroom. I took out all the toilet paper and his phone while he was sleeping.

“Okay now I will explain my plan I am going to make Niall brownies but there is a plot twist, I am going to put laxatives in the brownies. I took away his phone and all the toilet paper in his bathroom. Just in case you don’t know what laxatives are they make you shit really, really badly.” I say looking at the camera. I run down to the kitchen and made the boys breakfast first. Once that was done I got to work on Niall’s “special” brownies. Once I was done with my deed I walked up to Niall’s room and placed the brownies next to him and ran out. I peeked through the door and say Niall waking up to eat after about 10 minutes Niall ran to his bathroom.

“And I am a master mind.” I say to the camera. Liam I dangled sporks in front of his door. He called Dani to come save him. Louis I had a trick up my sleeve. Since He said that pretended to be dead two days ago I decide to go a little bit over the edge with my prank. I called Punked to help me on this one but that I have to wait for Dani and the other girlfriend to be off first so on Sunday.

I posted the video saying that we were having some technical difficulties and posted the video without Louis’ on there. I decide to sleep the rest of the day away. 

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