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*6 years later*

“Do you Niall James Horan take Mia Zaima Malik to be your lovely wedded wife?” The priest asked Niall.

“I do.”

“Do you Mia Zaima Malik take Niall James Horan to be your lovely wedded husband?”  

“I do.”

“You may now kiss the bride.” He said. We all go up and cheered. Yup Mia is Zayn’s younger sister.

“Niall knew Mia longer than we all had our girlfriends you would think he would be the first one married. Instead he’s the last one.” Louis whispered to me.

“Yeah.” I whispered back. We were all walking down the aisle exiting the alter. Once we were in the hallway everyone, except me, ran to give Mia and Niall a big hug. I would but there was a small issue. I walk as fast as I can to get to them.

“Caution pregnant woman coming through.” I say making my way to Mia and Niall.

“Congratulations!” I tell them giving them a hug. Everyone was now going outside with the rest of the guest of the wedding were outside.

“Mummy! Daddy!” yelled my two little monsters.

“Jason, Emmitt you both were very good today.”  I say patting their heads. I would pick them up or bend down to give them a kiss but the baby bump got in the way.

“Thank you mummy.” Jason said. Jason is five and Emmitt is four. They both look like Louis. They look nothing like me. If I didn’t know any better I would think I am not their mother.

“Louis I like how Mia chose me to be her maid of honor when I’m nine months pregnant.” I say turning to Louis.

“Yup like how you made her go swimming when she was sick and she got sicker. C’mon let’s go to the wedding reception.”  Louis said picking up both boys but giving Emmitt to me.

*The next day*

“Jason! Emmitt! Come down here right this minute you both are in big trouble.” Louis yelled you the stairs.

We all live in the same neighborhood because One Direction is still going strong and they need to be close to each other. Me on the other hand I still sing but I also act now. I know crazy huh. Michel, my manger decide to put me in acting as well after the music video for Funhouse was done.

“Yes dad?” Emmitt asked walking down the stairs with a guilty look on his face. Jason followed him down.

“Both of you clean up the mess you made in the play room and eat your breakfast. Your mum worked hard to make you pancakes from scratch.” Louis said pointing to the play room.

“Okay dad. Sorry mum.” Jason says pulling Emmitt to the play room.

“I really hope that the twins are girls.” I say patting my stomach.

“You just want a mini you don’t you.” Louis said sitting down next to me.

“Yes because you dress up Emmitt and Jason just like you all the time. And I really want girls.” I take a sip of my apple juice. Louis brings the boys their food to the play room.

A sharp pain struck my lower abdomen. Just a contraction. Uh oh my water broke.

“Um, Louis please don’t freak out like you did the first two times, but my water broke.” I say as calmly as possible.

“Oh my God, you’re going into labor! Jason get your mum’s bag from the closet. Emmitt get my phone, wallet, and car keys!” Louis says panicking like always. Jason comes back with my bag and Emmitt comes back with Louis’ phone, car keys, and wallet.

“Jason call your uncles and tell them your mum as go into labor. Emmitt bring your mum’s bag to the car.” Louis said bringing his phone to Jason. Jason somehow managed to make a group call.

“Hello, its Jason. Daddy told me to tell you all that Mummy has gone into labor.” Jason said into the phone. Louis took the phone from Jason and helped me to the car.

“Yeah he’s not lying. We’ll see you there.” Louis said and closed the call.

We drove to the hospital fast. Louis had pulled me out of the car and took me to the maternity ward.

“My wife here her water broke.” Louis said.

“Okay here fill out these papers while we take her to a room. Hey are you two Louis and Jamie Tomlinson?” The nurse asked.

“Yes, and the rest of the lads from one direction are going to be coming so you can send them to the waiting room.” Louis said helping me into a wheel chair. They put us in a room and Louis started filling out the papers.

“Jamie, how you doing?” Harry asked as her and everyone followed him in. “About to kill Louis for doing this to me a third time.” I say and all the girls laughed.

“Who’s going to go with the kids right now?” Louis asked. 

“We’ll go since we have no kids of our own yet.” Niall said. He and Mia left the room.

“Shh, boy be careful not to make too much noise. This one is London Grace Tomlinson. And this one is Mariah  Tomlinson.” Louis whispered to everyone. London was my mum’s name and Emmitt is my dad’s. I fell asleep and didn’t hear anything anyone said.

*The End*

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