Chapter 16

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“Jamie wake your arse up you’re going to be late!” Harry yelled at me.

“Calm your four tits curly I’m up.” I spat back throwing a pillow at him. Oh yeah I have an interview today.

“Jamie you don’t have to dress up nicely they have hair and makeup just take a shower and brush your teeth.” Harry said.

“I know that now hand me my bloody glasses.” I asked him putting my hand out for him. He places my glasses in my hand and helps me up. As soon as I’m up I pull his hair.

“Ow, what was that for?” Harry asked rubbing the back of his head.

“Haz you’re my older cousin you should know I’m not a morning person and you shouldn’t have yelled to get me up. Now shoo.” I said back pushing him out the room and following him out. I walk into Louis’ room to find him watching TV.

“Hey Boobear can I borrow a tee shirt, a beanie, and sweats?” I asked him peeking my head threw the door.

“Sure hold on.” Louis said getting up and getting clothes. He walks over towards me with folded clothes.

“Thanks.” I say planting a kiss on his cheek. He put his arm around my waist, but I wince in pain remembering last night.

“Oops sorry I forgot.” Louis said releasing me. I walked back to my room. I walk to my bathroom and lock the door. I stripped down my clothes, turned on the water, and hopped into the shower. Things have been awkward between Louis and I since we got back together. He treats me more like a child then his girlfriend. We don’t spend as much time like we used too before the Eleanor thing. Sometimes I wonder if he even loves me like he used to.

I turn off the shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

“Jamie hurry up!” Harry yelled. I just get my phone and run out the door.

“Oh shut up curly.” I say pulling his hair.

“Oh you’re so going to get it.” Harry said chasing me down the stairs.

“Ahhhhh help Harry’s trying to kill me!” I yell as Harry traps me in the kitchen.

“Here comes Superman!” Louis yells as he tackles Harry to the ground. I run out the room outside to find Liam, Zayn, and Niall sitting in the car. I sat in the back next to Zayn.

“Aren’t you going to sit with Louis?” Zayn asked.

“No, I want be with my best friend.” I say hugging his arm. Zayn gave me a puzzling look. I was going to explain but Harry and Louis ran into the car.

“Good now we could go.” Liam said driving in reverse not waiting for Louis and Harry to put their seat belts on. I pulled out my phone so I could still talk to Zayn.

*Conversation between Zayn and Jamie*

J= I think that there is something wrong with Louis. I think he doesn’t love me anymore.

Z= Jamie are you bloody mental? Louis loves you with all his heart, or at least he did before…… You know what let’s focus on your interview.

J= Zayn what are you not telling me?

Z= Nothing just focus on today not this conversation

J= Bloody hell just tell me!

Z= I’ll tell you after I promise you.

J= Fine but you better Malik

J= Oh I will Styles

*End of Conversation*

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