Chapter 24

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Louis pulls the lads away into the living room. Harry gives me a piggyback ride to his room and puts me on the bed and hands me the cookies. He sits down next to me on the bed. I shook my head in protest not wanting to eat the cookies.

“Jamie, please for me?” Harry pleaded. He looked as he was on the verge of tears. I took the cookies and at one. But Harry kept handing me more.

“Why were you trying to kill yourself this time?” Harry asked breaking the silence.

“I-I don’t know.” I lied.

“Bullshit, you know exactly why. Why won’t you tell me?” His voice cracked. Now I felt bad because I knew I was hurting him and I never wanted to do that.

“Do you really want to know?” I asked shoving another cookie in my mouth. He slowly nodded his head.

“I wanted to die, well actually for a while now, but this time was different. When we were on the boat I had gotten a text from Marine that said her mum and brother were out of jail on account of good behavior. She said that they were going to come and get me. She said I made it easy since I am on tour with you guys. I was going to do it on the boat but Louis came and got me when I was about to. So as soon as we got to the hotel I decided to do it then. I honestly don’t want to live anymore. I mean have you ever felt so broken that you don’t want to eat, do the things you love, or even breathe anymore? That’s how I’ve been feeling when I lived with them and when I first moved in with you. When I got that text all the emotions that I felt when I was with them came rushing back but a thousand times worst. I didn’t know what to do I just wanted to die to get away from it. I don’t care call me a coward from running away when things get rough but I can’t handle it anymore. I just snapped. I don’t care if none of you guys leave me alone again I will eventually find a way to kill myself again because that feeling will never go away. I know I need help but I don’t want it. Go ahead and send to the insane asylum where I belong.” I said probably sounding mental, but that’s how I feel.

“Jamie, no I won’t send you to the insane asylum. Yes you do need help, but if you don’t want to go then I won’t force you. But why didn’t you just tell me that’s how you felt? I could have attempted to help you. But I don’t want to ever lose you. Because I love you. The only person who loves you more than me if Louis. Just think if you died what would happen? Louis and I would go into deep depression. All of us would be heart broken. Think of who you would leave behind. Fiona, Mia, Jessica, Dani, Gemma, my mum, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, and I, we all love you very much and it would be a big deal if you were gone.” Harry said and kissed my head. I don’t know if I was ever going to get better but I had to for everyone who loved me.

“C’mon let’s get you stuff from Louis’ room you’re staying with me for a while okay.” Harry said getting up and holding his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and followed him out the room. I looked down as I saw the boys staring at me. Harry left me in the living room with them and went to get my stuff from Louis’ room.

“Jamie, are you okay?” Niall asked. I shook my head no. I was engulfed by four boys giving me hugs and saying ‘Don’t ever scare us like that again’. I kept saying sorry even though I didn’t mean it. I wasn’t sorry but I had to act like I was. They let go when someone knocked on the door. Liam goes to open the door and takes the food. Harry joined us in the room.

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