Chapter 13

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How did they manage that? Wait they probably asked Simon. Well at least I won’t be a burden to the lads on tour because I have to work. Wait, does that mean I have to quit my job at Starbucks now? I loved my job there and there is where I met two people who I became friends with.

“Um, Louis is this all for real or are you pulling my leg?” I asked him just to be sure because Maria tricked me on April fool’s day that Jason and I could move out last year. Well we believed her so we packed our bags and when we were going outside she stopped us to say that it was a trick. We were so pissed we gave her food poisoning by ‘accident’.

“Why would I lie to you like that Jamie?” Louis asked me giving me an ‘I’m dead serious’ face.

“Well I don’t know, maybe because it sounds too good to be true.”

“Well I am 100% telling you the truth I promise.”

“Well I have one more promise slash question for you.”

“What is it?”

“Are you going to leave me because Eleanor is pregnant with your baby?”

“What? I promise you that I will not leave you for Eleanor baby or no baby.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure.”

“Good.” I tip toed to give Louis a kiss on his cheek.

“Oh by the way you start recording tomorrow. And after you can practice moves with Dani tomorrow at the dance studio.” Harry yells from the kitchen.

“Tomorrow? Shit I have to get all my things ready, Louis why didn’t you tell me. What time tomorrow Harry?” I must have look like a crazy person because I was running around yelling and asking questions to get everything ready. I have to be ready by 8:00 clock tomorrow morning. Anyone can tell you I am not a morning person.

“Louis, come up here now I have to ask you something!” I yelled from my bedroom.

“Coming!” Louis yelled back.

“Yes babe.”

“Can you do me a huge favor?” I asked him with a huge grin on my face.

“I need food, like doughnuts, candy, crisp, monsters, pretzels, water, arizona ice tea, and purple hair dye for tomorrow.”

“Sure but do you need that much food? Why are you dying your hair purple?”

“Yes, now go and because I am putting a purple streak in my hair not the whole thing.” I handed him money and a shopping list.

“Lads I’m going shopping need anything and if you do give me money for it and I need one volunteer to go with me.” Louis said leaving my room. Liam ended up going with them. I grab my song book and put it in my backpack. In the morning I will put my laptop, phone, and video camera. What I need to update my YouTube channel. Oh I should update a video now but I should as if I can tell people about the tour. I run downstairs with my laptop.

“Haz I need to know something very important, can I vlog my subscribers about the tour?” I asked him.

“Umm, let me ask Uncle Simon if we can then we can do a twitcam about it too.”

“Okay I want to do a twitcam either way.” I open up twitter. I posted that was going to be a twitcam with Harry and I in 10 minutes.

“He said that he’ll text us if we can in a minute he’s in a meeting.” Harry said sitting down next to me.

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