Chapter 2

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It's been a couple weeks since Toby and I's encounter. I've had the flu the last two weeks and I am finally going to the doctor to get some medicine for it. It's now late in the afternoon and I am home from the doctor. I've been resting for the last couple of hours and gathering my thoughts on things. I heard the door open and close. I checked the time and saw it was 5:45 p.m. that must mean Toby is home on time. I hear him walking down the hall, the footsteps coming closer to the room. He comes around the corner and looks at me.
"Well, your home early" I said plainly.
"Yeah I didn't feel like going out tonight" he said standing up straight about to walk away.
"I can make something for supper if you want" I told him picking at my nails. He applied with a grumpy "whatever". I got up and started getting stuff ready for spaghetti. When it was all finished I had the table set and the lighting dimmed down and lit with candles. I walk into the living room where Toby is watching a football game and on hiss third beer already.
"Suppers ready if you want any" I said not waiting for an answer and walking out. I sat down and started to eat when I heard heavy footsteps stumble into the kitchen then into the dining room a minute later.
"So, how was your day" I said questioning myself about making conversation.
"It was perfectly fine, how was yours" he said rudely with a hint of sarcasm.
"It was fine, thanks for asking" I responded with the same amount of enthusiasm. About 10 minutes later he was done eating and went to rinse off his plate. He came back into the dining room to get to the living room again.
"What are you doing" I asked curiously.
"What foes it look like I'm doing, I'm going to go watch the game" he said very rudely, talking to me like I was stupid.
"So your not going to finish eating with me" I asked creasing my eyebrow.
"God Spencer, why are you being so clingy" he said taking his anger out at me. He turned around and started to walk away, that's when I blurted it out.
"I'm pregnant"

Okay so I know it's short but just please, bare with me.

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