Chapter 26

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It's been three weeks since Toby and I said I love you too eachother and things have been great. The loft is all set up and now we are working on a room for the baby which now he has a reason to use the extra room. We painted it a faded, dusty rose colored pinkish cream color, not to girly but girly enough. We were at the loft cleaning out some things from the room and just talking.
"Hey Tobes" I yelled from the bedroom.
"Yeah" he asked running in here.
"I have and appointment tomorrow, are you going" I asked like it wasn't a big deal.
"Are you kidding me" he started and I looked up at him with a confused face.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he finished giving me a big smile. I did a sigh of relief. I thought he was going to say he didn't want to go but I'm relieved he wants to.
"Okay so it's at 10:40 tomorrow morning so I was wondering if you would pick me up on your way there" I asked going back to what I was doing before.
"Yeah no problem" he assured me walking into the room.
"What are you looking at" he asked crawling on the bed and sitting next to me.
"I'm going through some old pictures I found" I answered while going to the next one.
"What are they from" he asked another question.
"Some are from your childhood, like this one is of you when you were four" I showed him a picture of a four year old Toby playing in a sandbox and another one of him picking his nose.
"Oh come on, that ones embarrassing" he said while grabbing the one of him picking his nose causing to laugh.
"And then there's some of when you are older, of us when we were in high school and some of us in our house we had in Colorado" I sighed thinking that's when it went bad.
"So good times and then sad times" he sighed along with me.
"So what are you going to be doing at your appointment" he asked changing the subject.
"It's just a check up, see if there is anything wrong with me or the baby and to make sure I am healthy and taking care of her good enough and the way I should be" I informed still looking at pictures.
"You better be taking care of her or else-"
"Or else what" I asked turning to look at him.
"Or else you won't get any of this for two weeks" he said coming up with it on the spot.
"You wouldn't"
"You're right, I wouldn't be able to do that, I can barely go an hour without kissing you" he sighed leaning in to kiss me proving a point. When he pulled away I laughed and just shook my head at how lucky I am to have him.
"Okay get work Cavanaugh" I said handing him some more pictures and other thing to go through.
"So I was thinking" I started off.
"Uh oh, that's not a good sign" he joked causing me to his his arm.
"As I was saying, I think you should come over some night this week and have dinner with my parents and then we could tell them about us...getting back together" I stated my idea waiting for an answer.
"I don't know Spence, your parents really hate me"
"They don't hate you, my dad hates you but my mom has grown a liking for you again" I informed.
"I will think about it" he said looking back at the pictures. I know he doesn't want to right now, but eventually he will agree to have that dinner soon enough.
"What are you doing tonight" I asked sneaking a quick look from the corner of my eye.
"I am probably going to do nothing, probably just continue going through things and keep cleaning the other room out" he shrugged not really knowing.
"Well I was thinking that maybe we could watch a movie and I could make us dinner, or we could do something else maybe play a game or something" I said crawling over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"I have no objections to that" he mumbled kissing me before turning away and looking at the pictures again. I pouted by putting my bottom lip out.
"What's that face for" he asked.
"Is that all I get"
"That one kiss, is that all I get" I asked.
"I guess so, why" he asked acting dumb.
"Because that's all you've been giving me lately, you give me a kiss or two, say I love you and then you don't give me any affection after that" I stated crawling off the bed and walking out of the bedroom.
"Spencer" he called following me.
"What" I blurted out angrily turning around to face him.
"What is wrong" he asked concerned.
"You tell me"
"What is going on Spencer" he asked a little worried.
"We spend time together like a normal couple, we say I love you like a normal couple but you don't kiss me as much as you did, we don't have heat anymore, no chemistry, do you not love me anymore because if you don't then I want you to tell me, I don't want a repeat of a couple months ago" I cried out with tears starting to form in my eyes.
"Is that what you think" he said creasing his eyebrows. I nodded and wiped my tears.
"Then you're crazy for thinking that" he said stepping towards me.
"And whys that" I asked sniffing my nose.
"Because I am crazy about you, I'm so in love with you it makes my heart stop beating when I see you, when I hear your voice it's the only thing I think about, so to hear you say that I don't love you is like a stab to the heart because your the only one for me" he stated reaching up and wiping my tears.
"Then why don't you ever kiss me" I asked.
"The only reason why I don't kiss you is because I'm afraid of doing anything to...exotic" he started.
"And if we do to much kissing it turns into a full on make out session which leads to...other things and I don't want to hurt the baby so I've been holding until you have her and then we can do all the fun things we want" he finished with a seductive smile. I laughed at that and stopped crying.
"So you still love me" I asked wiping my eyes again.
"You have no idea how in love I am with you" he assured me leaning in and touching his forehead to mine. I sighed in relief and just stayed there for a minute before pulling back and leaning up to give him a sweet kiss.
"Is that all I get" he teased after I pulled away. I just shook my head laughing and leaned back in for another kiss.
"Okay now let's get back to work" I said pushing him back into the bedroom. He groaned and turned around grabbing me and kissing me passionately while running his hand through my hair.
"And you said we have no chemistry" he joked. I hit his arm and walked back to the bed. He followed me back and we continued what we were doing pretending like nothing happened. I made us something to eat and we watched some show of his but I fell asleep half way through.
The next morning we woke up early and I showered and got ready for the appointment. Toby went down m and got us some muffins while I was getting ready so I could have something to eat before we left. We left at quarter after 10 because it took a while to get there.
"Are you excited" I asked him.
"Yeah excited and nervous, this is my first doctors appointment with you since we found out your pregnant and your doctor will probably think the worst of me so I'm not looking forward to that part" he said really nervously. I squeezed his hand that I was holding and assured him that everything was going to be fine. We parked the car and checked in a coupled minutes ahead of time.
"So have you come to all your appointments alone" he asked. I nodded my head answering his question.
"I'm sorry, I wish I could go back in time and change everything, I wish I could have been there for you and it pains me that you did this all alone" he apologized for the millionth time since he came back.
"It's fine Toby, you don't need to apologize anymore" I assured him but he still looked pretty unsure. We held hands the whole time while we made small talk until my name was called and we followed the assistant. At every appointment it's a different assistant so I never met this one before because I didn't like her very much. For starters she kept flirting with Toby right in front of me and then she messed up on my papers so she had to leave and come back which took forever. Eventually Dr.Hanson came in and started the usual questions.
"The baby kicked for the first time about a month ago" I excitedly informed her.
"Oh Spencer that's fantastic, there's no feeling like it" she smiled sweetly.
"So who might this be" she asked pointing to Tony who was quiet the whole time.
"This is my boyfriend and the father, this is Toby Cavanaugh" I introduced her to him as they shook hands.
"Cavanaugh, where have I heard that name before" she asked herself trying to remember.
"Is your mother Marion Cavanaugh" she asked unsure.
"Yes she is, was" he whispered the last part.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, she was a great woman" she apologized.
"Thank you" he said sadly.
"Okay so back to Spencer, how has everything been going" she asked grabbing her clipboard.
"I'm good, I have a lot of heartburn but other than that everything is great" I told her shrugging.
"Well there's an old wives tail that says if the mother has a lot of heartburn during pregnancy than the baby will have a full head of hair" she said.
"But the only thing that I can think of is to just take some Tums and that should help until the end of your pregnancy" she informed. A about 20 minutes went on and they didn't do an ultrasound. I could tell that that's what Toby was waiting for.
"Okay that's all I need from you today, I will see you in about two months and then from then on we will do a check up every week until you deliver, any questions" she asked looking at Toby and then me.
"Uh at her next appointment will she have an ultrasound at all" Toby asked.
"Well it all depends on if anything bad happens but most likely not" she answered. He just nodded looking down at his feet sadly. She left after that and I got my things ready and Toby went to get the car while I make my next appointment. Once the was done I walked out and got into the car then he started driving towards my house.
"What's wrong" I asked grabbing his hand.
"Nothing" he lied entwining our fingers.
"I know your lying" I called him out on it. "What's wrong" I added.
"It's just" he sighed. "It's never got to see our daughter, only in pictures but that doesn't give me the closure I want, I wasn't there to experience anything with you, the good and the bad" He vented sadly.
"I'm sorry, and I don't understand what your going through but it hurts me that you weren't there to experience it with me, but maybe in the future when we have other kids, if we have other kids, then we can go through that together " I informed him giving his hand a little squeeze.
"Sounds great" he said squeezing my hands back.
"So, other kids huh" he asked.
"Maybe, I mean if you would want more" I played off feeling a little nervous that he wouldn't want more.
"Well I know I will have as many kids with you as you will let me" he said smiling. I laughed and sighed because I know he wants more.
"How many were you thinking" I asked curious.
"I want at least two, this one and at least one more"
"What about you" he asked looking at me.
"I want at least three, two girls and a boy then after that I'm not sure" I told him.
"Well at least we have one out of three done" he joked rubbing my belly with the hand I was holding. I laughed and we pulled into my driveway and my mom's car was still here. We got out and walked in hand in hand.
"Mom" I called out and and she came out of her office.
"Hi sweety" my mom said looking up at me with a smile.
"Hello Toby" she said flatly her smile faltering.
"Hello Mrs. Hastings" Toby nicely greeted.
"So how was the doctors" she asked fumbling around for something.
"It's was good, I have to go back in about two months" I informed walking in the kitchen and getting a glass of water.
"Well that's good, next time you go you will be ready to pop" she joked giving off a little laugh.
"Well I have to go but I will see you later, you two behave" she warned giving us the parental glare/ look. We said bye and once she was gone I went upstairs and changed then crawled into bed.
"What are you doing" Toby asked walking into my room.
"I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap" I told him snuggling under the covers.
"Do you want me to leave or-"
"No I want you to come lay with me" I ordered nicely. He laughed and did what he was told and came to the bed and layed down.
"Under the covers" I demanded which caused him to laugh and go under the covers. I move closer to him and snuggle up to his chest and he wraps his arms around me.
"I love you" he stated giving me a kiss on the head.
"I love you too" I said back before falling asleep.
When I woke up it must have been late because the sun was going down and my room was starting to get dark.
"Toby" I shook him.
"Hmm" he groaned rubbing his eyes waking up.
"We slept all day" I told him laughing. He opened his eyes and looked around.
"Well look at that, we finally did it" he said.
"What" I asked confused.
"Had a lazy day where we don't get out of bed at all as a couple" he informed kind of proudly. I just laughed at him and yawned.
"You are tired so I think I'm going to head home and let you rest for the night and then I will see you tomorrow, sound good"
"Mmm-hmm" I mumbled staring to fall back asleep. He got up and grabbed his jacket while I slowly pulled myself out of bed. We walked downstairs to find my parents into kitchen.
"Is will see you tomorrow" he repeated to me and I just nodded.
"Goodnight Ms.Hastings, Mr. Hastings" he said giving them a little wave.
"Goodnight Toby" my mom said while my dad barely even looked at him. He walked outside and watched him drive away.
"What was he doing here" my dad asked a little mad.
"We came here after my doctors appointment and just hung out, we didn't do much, just watched a movie and I fell asleep because I'm really tired" I half lied because I know he would get mad at the truth.
"So I have a question" I asked changing the subject.
"What is it" my dad asked.
"I was wondering if we could have Toby over for dinner one of these nights" I asked nervously.
"No, absolutely not" he stated angrily not even giving it a thought.
"Why not" I asked.
"Because I don't like him, the only reason I put up with him is because he is the father of my granddaughter and he hurt you the badly so the answer is no" he stated again getting worked up.
"You know, he knows that you don't like him and he's really trying, maybe you should do what I did and see the good in him instead of the bad" I said rudely before rushing back upstairs and slamming my door shut. I quietly screamed in frustration. I'm sick of my dad always hating Toby, at least my mom is trying. A while later I heard a knock on my door before my mom walked in.
"What do you need mom" I asked a little rudely.
"I came to tell you good news, now do you want it or not because if you keep giving me that attitude then I will just leave and not tell you" she said using her mom voice.
"I'm sorry it's put me in a bad mood" I explained.
"I know and he shouldn't act that way but I also understand"
"So what is it you wanted to tell me" I asked.
"Well I talked to your father and I finally got him to agree with having Toby over for dinner" she announced.
"But only tomorrow night because we are only free tomorrow" she added. I smiled and hugged her thanking her for convincing him.
"Alright I will leave you alone and rest because you look very tired" she said before leaving. I grabbed my phone and dialed Tobys number and he answered almost instantly.
"You miss me already " he joked.
"Yes but that's not what I called for"
"Then what did you call for, may I ask" he asked talking all weird.
"What are you doing tomorrow night" I asked.
"Nothing, why" he answered.
"Because we are having dinner with my parents" I stated.

Okay so this is a little longer and nothing really special happened but I'm just trying to pass time before she has the baby because I don't want to just do like a three to four month jump in one chapter so I'm building it up to that. Tell me what you think and I'm also not going to say what the baby's name is because I want it to be a surprise.

What Happened To Us   (a Spoby story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora