Chapter 8

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I woke up and Emily was gone.
"Emily" I called out but got no answer. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I found her sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.
"Hey, how long have you been up" I asked walking over to the table.
"About an hour, I'm on my fourth cup of coffee" she said swirling her mug around.
"Oh that sounds good right now" I said walking to the coffee maker and starting to make a cup until I stopped and thought, can I drink coffee. I grabbed my phone and Googled it really quick. It said that I can have up to three cups of caffeinated coffee. I smiled and continued to make a cup.
"So how come your up so early" i asked walking towards her.
"Well I'm just thinking about things" she told me.
"Like what" I intrrigated, taking a drink of the sweet caramel flavored coffee.
"Well, Paige and I broke up about three weeks ago and I'm just thinking about how lonely I am" she said shying off.
"Yeah I know what it feels like to be alone" I responded.
"How are you Spence, really, how are you and don't you dare lie to me" she demanded softly. I took a big, shaky sigh.
"I'm miserable, I don't know what to do, the live of my life just left me and I don't know what to do, we worked together, evened eachother out but now, I don't know who I am anymore" I started, tears falling down my face.
"Oh Spencer" she comforted grabbing my hand supportingly.
"Because he was my world, my rock, I would give up my life for him, he was my everything and now, now I'm nothing" I cried out finishing my rant. Em brought me into a hug.
"It makes me sad seeing you like this, and I wish I could make you feel better" she whispered, her eyes staring to tear up.
"I know but you can't" I cried, more tears coming out.
"I'm nothing, he was my everything and then he left me leaving my here to be a worthless nothing" I said angrily.
"Don't say that, you are not nothing, you are Spencer Hastings, you are a fighter and you are going to get through this okay" she said ending with a question.
A few minutes later I recovered but had puffy eyes and a runny nose.
"I'm never asked but how are you Em" I asked.
"To be honest, I'm pissed, I'm so pissed that he left you, he was my best friend who fell in love with my other best friend and now he hurt you and, that's not right, if I saw him now I would probably freak out on him, beat his ass or something" she expressed.
"I know but what good would it be to do that now" I whispered.
"It would do a lot of good especially if I bring Hanna, she would probably throw he shoes Hat him or something" she joked, making me smile. We talked for a while until Hanna and Aria woke up and joined us.
"So what do you guys want to do today" Aria asked us all.
"We could do something outside, the weather is gorgeous" I said looking outside.
"We should go my house and hang out at the pool" Hanna said looking for food.
"Yeah that's a good idea" Aria agreed.
"Wow Han you actually had a good idea" Emily praised.
"Yeah cause I'm a freaking genius" Hanna sassed back jokingly.
"I'm in" Aria started.
"I'm in" Emily seconded on.
" Me too" Hanna finished.
"What about you Spence, are you in?" Em asked looking at me. I thought for a second wondering if they would see my baby bump but it should be fine or at least I hope so.
"Yeah, okay I'm in, let's do it" I agreed.
"Hell yeah your in" Hanna yelled.

We all got ready and met there. This was defiantly going to be interesting.

Alright so here is another chapter and then I will update right after this one because I just got done writing this chapter and the next one so I hope you enjoy it. Oh and also I'm sorry that this one and the next one are short but I'm trying my best so thank you.

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