Chapter 14

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It's been a month since Zack called me and he texted me telling me that he still hasn't heard from Toby. My stomach has gotten a lot bigger and I didn't notice until Aria said something and I thought she was calling me fat and I freaked. I was meeting up with Hanna this afternoon. I showered and got dressed then went shopping for new pajamas. I was getting to the point to where I couldn't fit in anything anymore. I went to Kohls and got some jeans, sweaters, shirts and some other things that I needed. What was nice about not being really big yet is that I could get normal clothes instead of maternal clothing yet just I would only have to buy it in bigger sizes. I checked out and was walking to my car when I bumped into someone and dropped my keys.
"I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I apologized bending down to pick them up but the person already grabbed them.
"That's okay" he said and I looked up meeting the pizza deliverer. Now that I saw him out of his uniform I have to admit that he was pretty good looking. He had black hair and a nice olive skin tone along with gorgeous brown eyes.
"Well thank you for picking these up for me" I said shyly.
"No problem" he said and I started to walk away.
"Hey do you want to maybe get something to see or coffee or something" he asked getting my attention again.
"I don't know" I trailed of unsure.
"Come on let me buy you one drink" he smiled a toothy smile.
"Umm, okay but only one" I said raising my pointer finger showing one. We walked down to the mall that was down a couple stores and entered a cafe type thing.
"Okay so what do you want" he asked as we sat down at a table.
"Well if your offering can I just get some decaf coffee, I don't care how strong it is" I told him. Since I became pregnant I haven't been all crazy about my coffee and it's kind of a weird feeling.
"Okay, anything else" he asked while standing up.
"Can I get a chocolate chip cookie, please" I practically begged. He laughed and said no problem. I waited for a little bit and just looked on my phone. He came back and set my coffee, his drink and two cookies down on the table.
"Thank you" I thanked grabbing my half of the stuff.
"It's my pleasure" he said quite sweetly. Maybe this won't me such a bad idea. We talked for about two hours and got to know eachother. He is 22, has a younger sister, his dad and older sister died in a car accident when he was 15. I told him about my family and about A, he also knows that I'm pregnant which he didn't even care about in the slightest. I finally had to go meet up with Hanna soon.
"I'm sorry but I have to go meet my friend" I apologized while getting my things together.
"No that'd okay I had a great time talking to you" he complimented. I blushed and looked down.
"Me too" I replied with a smile.
"I hope we can do it again sometime, maybe over dinner" he asked shyly.
"I think that would be great" I agreed. I decided to give him my number and said I would give him a call sometime. We both left and I got in my car and couldn't, for the life of me, I couldn't stop smiling. I drove to Hannas apartment that she owned with Caleb. When I got their Caleb answered the door.
"Spencer" he said shocked. "I didn't know you were here" he added.
"Well I moved back about a month and a half ago, jeez Caleb how could you not know, do you not care about me" I joked with the smile still on my face.
"I've been really busy and Hanna never said anything to me" he said.
"Said anything about what" she walked in the room and joined the conversation.
"That Spencer moved back" he responded.
"Oh yeah, hey babe Spencer moved back to Rosewood" she stated like a smart alec.
"Ha ha" he laughed sarcastically.
"So can I come in or what" I asked from outside.
"Yeah come in" he greeted and then gave me a hug.
"It's nice to see you Spence" he mumbled.
"You too hacker boy" I joked giving off a little joke which he joined in on. We pulled away and he saw my big stomach.
"Wait, your pregnant too" he said getting shocked again.
"Yep, what does Hanna not talk about me at all" I said pretending to be hurt. We looked at Hanna with our are you serious looks.
"What, sorry not sorry" she shrugged then walked away. I followed her giving Caleb a wave bye. We went into their bedroom and changed into our pajamas.
"Woah" Hanna said really loudly.
"What" I asked cautiously.
"Your belly is getting HUGE" she squealed coming closer to me. She rubbed her hands on my belly without even asking.
"Oh hi baby Hastings, this is your auntie Hanna talking" she spoke to my belly.
"I am going to spoil you so much and I'm going to be your favorite aunt, I love you very very very much and I can't wait to meet you" she finished and went back to laying down. My eyes started to water and my heart began to melt.
"Ohh Han" I cried out.
"What" she questioned.
"That was so sweet" I got out.
"Okay okay I know it was but please don't cry, we are trying to have fun" she said trying to brush it off.
"I know I didn't mean to cry but that was so nice and my damn pregnancy hormones are fighting me" I wiped my eyes and finally went back to normal.
"Can you take a picture of my stomach" I shyly asked grabbing my phone.
"Yeah no problem" she agreed.
I thanked her and handed my phone over. I pulled my shirt up and my pants off my belly and to my waist.
"There you go" she said giving my phone back. I looked at the picture and knew that I was going to keep this picture with me forever.

So like always I know it's short and boring but I'm just trying to pass time (in the story) without skipping like a year or two. So sorry if the chapters suck right now but like I said in other authors notes, just bare with me. Also let me know of what you think about the pizza delivery guy, it looks like Toby might have competition when he comes back.

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