Chapter 34

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I am in the middle of getting Katherines things ready since it is her one week check up today. I get to see how much she's grown and if Toby and I are doing a good job at being a mother and father or not. I get the diaper bag packed and set it by the door.
   "Hi sweetheart" I whispered to her and held her in my arms. She's so little and that made me remember the first time Toby held her and how scared he was.

"Hey Toby"
"Yeah" he looked over at me with curiosity.
  "Can you come here for a quick second" I asked while look down at a sleeping Katherine. He nodded and walked over to my hospital bed, waiting for my next question.
   "Can you take Katherine for a minute so I can get up and grab something"
  "Well, why don't I grab it for you" he asked and took a step back.
  "No I want to get it on my own, will you please just take her" I asked and lifted my arms to hand her to him.
   "I-I-I don't know, maybe you should continue to hold her" he panicked a little, shaking his head and took a couple steps back.
   "What's wrong"
  "I've never held a baby before and I'm, I'm a little scared to hold her" he confessed, running his hand through his hair.
  "You've never held a baby before" he shook his head no.
   "Well I guess there's a first time for everything" I said and a few minutes later he was sitting down on my bed and was prepared.
    "Okay, you need to support her head, just like that, and than you need to keep your arm stretched out under her back and than just hold on to her" I informed him while I handed her to him. He did exactly what I said but was a little tense. After a couple minutes he relaxed and grinned from ear to ear.
   "See, it's not so scary" I told him and he didn't make eye contact.
   "I could never be scared of my little girl" he whispered and stared at her with a lot of love.

I smiled at the flashback and walked over to the changing table. I changed her diaper and got her dressed into a different outfit since she spit up all over it. We had 15 minutes to get to the doctors office and check in. Throughout the week I have mastered on how to carry the diaper bag and Katherines car seat. I drove there, checked in and waited for them to call us.
  "Hi beautiful" I talked to Kat while she was in her car seat. She was still asleep and I rocked the car seat so it would keep her sleeping. I checked my phone to see if I got anything from Toby but nothing. I turned it on silent and put it into my bag.

    "Spencer Hastings" The helper called and I grabbed Kat and everything else and walked to the room.

    "Okay If you could get her undressed for me and than we can get her height and weight" she said and I got Katherine out of her car seat and set her down on the bed than proceeded to undress her. The nurse than took her and set her on the scale to get her weight.

     "She is 7 lbs 9 oz" she answered and get the measuring device out and started to get her length.

    "And she is 22inches long" she announced before handing her back to me. I put a diaper on and got her all dressed and in her car seat again. The nurse walked over to her desk and wrote down what she just told me.

    "Do you have any questions" she asked.

   "Yes just one quick question, how come she lost weight, when she was born she weighed 8 lbs 1oz" I asked a little nervous as to why she lost weight.

   "It is perfectly normal for a newborn to lose weight, right away they will lose a little bit and than once that happens they will than start to gain weight from then on" she said and checked some things off.

    "So are Toby and I doing a good job at being parents, that's what I'm afraid of is that we aren't doing a good job, that we aren't providing enough for her" I confessed my worries to her. I've been worrying about that since she was born. I never told anyone about that, not even Toby. Even though she's only a week old it feels like forever to me.

    "It is normal to be worried, I would be concerned if you weren't worried" I waited for her to say something else.

   "You and Toby are doing perfectly fine, I didn't see anything wrong with Katherine and you didn't have any questions so that's a great sign" I sighed in relief and looked down at my sleeping baby.

    "You should go home and relax, take the day off and wait for Toby to come home and the two of you can do something special" she said before the appointment was over. I clicked Katherine's car seat into the car and got in the drivers seat and drove home. I walked up to the loft and put everything away before I get Katherine ready and feed her. I sat down on the rocking chair in her bedroom and quickly fed her. I then changed her diaper and put her to sleep in her basinet in my room. I grabbed my phone from the diaper bag and saw a missed call from Toby so I decided to call him back.

    "Hello" he answered so he must not have been busy.

  "Hey, I just saw that I had a missed called from you and I have nothing else to do so I decided to call you back"

    "Oh so I'm your last option" he teased with a little laugh.

   "You know your not" I said a little to seriously. I hate it when he teases me.

   "I just got home from Kats doctors appointment" I tell him and walk around the loft in boredom.

    "That's right, how did it go" he asked and got all curious.

    "Everything's fine, she said that Katherine is perfectly fine and that we are doing a good job" I informed him.

   "I did just feed her and put her down for a nap but Dr. Hanson told me to relax today and when you get home that we should do something together" I added.

   "Well doctors orders" he joked and caused me to laugh again.

    "What do you want to do when you get home" I asked him and sat down on the couch in the living room.

   "I don't know but don't worry about it, I will come up with something" he told me and I sighed. I should quit worrying so much, it's not good for me. We talk for a little bit longer until he has to go.

   "I have to go Spence but please relax, I'll see you when I get home okay"

   "Okay" I responded a little upset.

    "I love you" he announced.

   "I love you too" I say before he hung up. I sighed at not hearing his voice anymore. I got up and checked on Katherine who was still sleeping so I turned on the baby monitor and went to my bookshelf in our bedroom. I decided to read Catcher In The Rye which was Toby's favorite book. I sat on the couch, turned the baby monitor on loud, snuggled in and started reading.

I'm really sorry guys that this story has become a huge disappointment and I just haven't been updating that much and when I do it's really short and really boring. I did just get a laptop for black Friday so I might be writing more on here instead on my phone.

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