Chapter 17

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I heard my phone ringing and instantly shot up from bed to answer it.
"Hello" I greeted.
"Hi, it's Toby" I heard his familiar voice.
"Why are you calling so early" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Spencer, it 11:30 " he informed giving off a little laugh.
"Is it really" I freaked looking at the click to see that it is 11:36 am. I groaned rubbing my face.
"You never told me why you were calling" I reminded him.
"Well I was, uh, going to see if you wanted to, uh, maybe get lunch or something" he said nervously.
"Umm, sure, I guess" I responded kind of unsure.
"Okay so do you want to go out somewhere or like have me pick something up and bring it to your house, or whatever you want to do, anything is fine for me" he rushed out. I smiled at how nervous he got talking to me, I missed that.
"Uh sure, sure why not" answered.
"We can meet at the Grill" I added.
"Uh, yeah yeah what time" he said excitedly.
"In about an hour I need to shower and do my hair and make up and etc" I said getting up.
"There's no need for that, your already beautiful" he complimented which made me blush.
"You can't do that" I whispered.
"Do what" he was confused.
"You can't call me beautiful and act like we're in high school and have no history together, it just doesn't work that way" I explained painfully.
"Okay, I won't" he mumbled sadly. I sighed knowing that I hurt him but he hurt me a lot worse.
"I will see you in an hour" he said.
"See you then" I responded and heard the line go dead. I got up and picked and outfit out then went and took a shower. When I was done I clipped my hair up and started to do my make up. Once that was done I took my robe off and got dressed after putting lotion on. I went back and finished my hair by giving off my natural waves. I got in my car and drove to the Grill to find Toby already there.
"Hi" he got up and greeted.
"Hi" I awkwardly greeted back. He pulled out my chair and left me sit down.
"So how have you been" he asked.
"Since last light, good" I reminded him about last night.
"Right" He said embarrassed.
"So where are you living" I asked looking at the menu.
"I got the loft back at the Brew, I guess nobody moved in after we left" he explained happily.
"Well that's great" I responded with a little bit of an attitude.
"Why did you say it like that" he asked.
"Like what" I played dumb.
"Like your not happy about it"
"Look, I'm sorry but it's hard playing all happy with you, you act like you did nothing wrong but you did, and I don't know if I'm going to forgive and forget so soon" I explained. He looked down at the menu trying to hide the hurt on his face.
"Toby" I whispered reaching my hand towards him.
"So what are you getting" he changed the subject.
"Um, probably the, uh, the chicken Alfredo" I mumbled looking back down at my menu. We sag in an awkward silence while we ate.
"What are you doing after this" I asked being nosy.
"Uh, I don't know probably just sit at the loft and unpack" he mumbled still upset.
"Do you maybe want to come over, hang out or something" I offered. He looked up surprised and accepted. He paid for lunch which was really nice and led to my house. When we got there we met at the door and waited for me to unlock it.
"So since you bought lunch the least I can do is provide us with dessert" I walked over to the freezer.
"Oh yeah, and what's that" he questioned.
"Ice cream" I dramatically opened the freezer door without breaking eye contact.
"Ohhh, sounds fantastic" he exclaimed grabbing the bowls.
"Okay I'm going to pick out a movie" I walked over to the cabinet. I looked and finally decided on The Breakfast Club. I put it in just when Toby came in with the ice cream.
"What are we watching" he asked handing me my bowl.
"The Breakfast Club" I informed taking a bite. I set it and started towards the stairs.
"Where are you going" he gave off a confused look.
"I'm going to change because I'm so uncomfortable it's not even funny" I explained running upstairs and putting on some Nike yoga pants and a plain white shirt. I ran back downstairs and continued with what I started. I eventually fell asleep because being pregnant always makes me tired. The thing that I didn't realize is that I fell asleep snuggled up into Toby. We were both laying down and he had his arms around me. He didn't say anything and I didn't notice because to me, it felt like home.

Short and boring but I'm getting there so just hold tight. Also when they are snuggled up on the couch it's like that one time when Spencer and he sober coach (I forgot his name) fell asleep and Veronica walks in on them all angrily, that's what's going to happen.

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