Chapter 13

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"Is this Spencer Hastings " an unknown voice said.
" Yes, this is" I answered the question.
"This is Zack, I'm one of Toby Cavanaughs friends" he said revealing himself. I sighed glad that it wasn't some weirdo stalking me again but I was also upset that it wasn't Toby.
"Okay umm, is there something you need " I asked.
"Well I was wondering if you knew where he was, I haven't talked or seen him since he stopped by my house a couple weeks ago" Zack said.
"Uh no, no I haven't seen him in almost a month, sorry" I gave out the information. Then I thought this call was a little weird.
"How did you even get my number" I asked confused.
"Toby gave it to me incase if anything happened to him and you needed to be reached"
I thought for a minute, I thought that it felt nice that I was Tobys first choice in something, it was nice that I was Tobys number one at one point.
"Hello, Spencer" I heard the voice say on my phone.
"Uh yeah I'm still on I was just thinking, sorry" I apologized.
"No its okay"
"So when was the last time you saw Toby " I asked.
"Roughly two weeks ago, he came to my house really late one night with all his things, he said he needed a place to stay so I let him crash on the couch for a couple nights but then he said he'd be back but that was two weeks ago and I can't get a hold of him so I called to see if you knew anything" Zack explained the reason for calling.
"I'm sorry, I don't know where he is, I'm in Pennsylvania now I moved back after he left so I have no idea" I shakily responded.
"Okay well I'm sorry for bothering you" he said but I interrupted him before he hung up.
"Hey Zack"
"Will you call me if he comes back, jus g kind of keep tabs on him for me, please" I asked kind of desperately.
"Yeah no problem, I will just give you updates if he comes back okay"
"Okay thank you"
"Goodbye" he said.
"Bye" I replied before he hung up.
I heard a knock on the door and Melissa entered.
"Hey I just wanted to see if you were feeling better" she asked kindly.
"Uh yeah I'm doing a lot better thank you" I kindly replied giving off a nice smile.
"Do you want anything, food, drink something for your stomach" she asked. She really has turned into a good person and a better sister and I'm great full for that.
"No I'm okay, thanks though"
"So I shouldn't bother asking you if you want to watch a movie with mom and I" she asked with a 50/50 chance.
"What movie" I asked, I was kind of in the mood for a movie.
"Bride Wars" she smiled, it was one of her favorites along with one of mine.
"Sure I will be down in a minute" I assured her.
"Okay but don't take to long" she joked before leaving the room. I went over to my dresser and pulled out a Victoria Secret pajama set. I walked down and saw Anna sleeping on one of the chairs while my mom and Melissa were making popcorn.
"Do you want caramel with your popcorn Spence" Melissa asked.
"Yes please" I responded while sitting down on the couch. I looked at how peaceful Anna was. I put my hand on my belly and thought that I would have that soon. They brought the snacks in and started the movie.
"Ugh I remember my wedding dress, it was gorgeous" Melissa said when they showed a wedding dress.
"Oh honey yours was beautiful, I remember my wedding dress, I still have it" my mom said with remembrance in her eyes.
"Oh you'll have to show it to me sometime" Melissa said getting all excited. I realized that I never got married. Toby and I never got engaged but we talked about it many times, it just never happened and it made me sad to think about it. The movie kept going but I was so tired that I fell asleep a little over half way.
Spencers Dream:
I was getting really big because I was five and a half months pregnant already. I had a doctors appointment today to find out the second of my baby. I waited in the room until my doctor came in and greeted herself like always.
"Well Ms.Hastings are you ready to find out if you are having a baby boy or girl" she gave me an excited smile with her question.
"Yes I'm so excited I don't know if I can take it any longer" I gave a half hearted joke causing the both of us to laugh.
"Okay well let's get started"
She squirted the gel onto my stomach after I pulled my shirt up. She grabbed the wand and started with the usual routine. Yet again my baby's heartbeat filled the whole room.
"Well are you ready" she asked giving me a questioning look. I responded with a nod and she looked back at the screen.
"Well from the looks of it it seems that you are having a-"

"Spencer wake up sweety" I heard my mom's voice say.
"Mmm" is all I responded with.
"It's 10:30 sweetheart I think you should go sleep in your bed" she tried again which woke me up some more. I finally gave in and got up. I looked at the chair and saw that Anna was gone so I looked around the room and noticed that it was only my mom and I.
"Where's Melissa" I paused "and dad" I finished with a groan.
"Melissa and Anna went home about an hour ago and your dad is in bed already" she told me.
"You should go upstairs and get a good night's sleep in your bed" she added while brushing some of my hair off of my face. I agreed with a nod and went upstairs. I brushed my teeth then crawled into bed. I was hoping that I could finish my dream but as they say hope breeds eternal misery. I fell into a dreamless sleep after that.

What Happened To Us   (a Spoby story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu