Chapter 16

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She gave me a worried look so I rushed down to see who it was. I ran down and stopped in my tracks. There stood the one and only Toby Cavanaugh.
"W-what are you doing here" I asked breathing uneasily.
"I-" he stopped unsure of what to say.
"Why are you here" I asked angrily.
"I wanted to see you" he finally got out.
"I missed you" he added.
"No, you can't just come here like you did nothing wrong, you can't invade in my life expecially after you left it" I said through my teeth.
"I can't do this right now" I whispered. He tried to take a step towards me but I backed away which made him stop.
"No, you can't call me that" I snapped.
"I'm sorry" he apologized and I looked up to see pain in his eyes and written all over his face.
"Sorry isn't good enough" I replied.
"I have to go" I mumbled turning around and heading up the stairs.
"Spencer" he yelled chasing after me but my mom stopped him.
"I think you should leave" she said before showing him out. I got into my room with tears already falling down my face. I slowly sag down on my red chair and let it all out. My mom came in and sat down next to me. She wrapped her arms around me and let me rest my head on her chest.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, it just kills me to see you like this" she said upset herself. My breathing started to get worse to the point where I was in a full on panick attack.
"W-why w-would he do th-this to m-me" I asked between breathes and sobs.
"I don't know honey but I promise I won't let him hurt you anymore" she promised. I eventually went back to normal and layed in my bed after she left. I cried myself to sleep that night. When I woke up in the middle of the night I woke up to go to the bathroom and her whispering coming from my parents bedroom.
"He did what" my dad asked angrily.
"He showed up here and talked to Spencer" my mom explained.
"That bastard better hope he doesn't run into me because I will give him a piece of my mind" he growled through his teeth. I cringed at my dad's choice of words. I continued to the bathroom and went back to bed but couldn't fall back to sleep. I sat up thinking about Toby and I. We have been through so much and we have been together for over five years and I am have having his baby. I went back to sleep and got up 8 am to get ready for my doctors appointment at 10. I showered, ate and headed to the clinic. I checked myself in and waited to be called. I looked at some magazines and went on my phone a little bit but I couldn't concentrate, my mind was still on Toby.
"Spencer Hastings" the nurse called looking around. I stood up and she gave me a smile before walking to our room.
"Okay do you have any questions" she asked.
"Well I haven't felt the baby kick yet, should I be worried" I asked.
"No that's totally normal but if that continues then we will have to do a special check up" she informed.
After that she did all the usual check ups then left. I waited in the room until my doctor came in and greeted herself like always.
"Well Ms.Hastings are you ready to find out if you're have a baby boy or girl" she gave me an excited smile with her question.
"Yes, I'm so excited I don't know if I can take it any longer" I gave a half hearted joke causing the both of us to laugh.
"Okay, well let's get started. She squirted the gel onto my stomach after I pulled my shirt up. She grabbed the wand and started with the usual routine. Yet again my baby's heartbeat filled the whole room.
"Well, are you ready" she asked giving me a questioning look. I responded with a nod and she looked back at the screen.
"Well, from the looks of it it seems that you are having a girl" she smiled while typing in some things. I looked at the computer screen in disbelief. I'm having a little girl, I'm having a little me. Tears of joy were starting to form in my eyes.
"Really, your sure" I double checked.
"I'm 100% positive" she assured me giving a little laugh. She handed me some paper towels to wipe my stomach off. When I was done she handed me the pictures she printed out and one of them had it's a girl on it.
"Alright your all good to go" she said gathering up her stuff.
"Okay" I unknowingly responded, I just kept looking at the picture and couldn't stop smiling.
"Have a nice day and I will see you in a couple months, call me if you need anything" she said before walking out.
"Thank you and you too" I said to an empty room. I got up and rescheduled my appointment for a month and a half from now. I called Hanna, Aria and Emily and told them to meet me at the Brew. I drove there and saw Emily and Aria were already there so I went in and greeted them.
"So I got some news" I sat down and looked for the pictures.
"Sorry but I'm obviously fashionably late so" Hanna said point to her outfit and sitting down.
"What were you guys talking about" she asked.
"As I was saying I have some news" I repeated pulling the pictures out.
"I'm having a girl" I practically yelled. I showed them the ultrasound pictures.
"Oh my god, Spencer" Aria said.
"I'm so happy for you " Emily added.
"She is going to be the best dressed kid in Rosewood" Hanna squealed. We all laughed and continued to talk.
"Ezra and I are taking a photograph class together at Hollis and we LOVE it" Aria said excitedly.
"That's great" Han said.
"What about you Em, have you heard from Paige" she asked Emily.
"Yeah, she called the other day and told me she had moved to California" she got out sadly.
"I'm sorry, I wish there was something we could do" Aria comforted.
"I heard from Toby" I blurted out.
"What" they all freaked at the same time.
"When" Aria asked.
"He showed up at my house last night and tried to apologize" I explained.
"Well what did he say" Hanna added to the questions. I told them what happened and even though it wasn't a lot it was still a big deal to me and from the looks of it it was a big deal to them too.
"Well I have to go but let me know if anything else happens and he tries anything on you, okay" Aria said getting up.
"Okay" I responded before she left.
"I have to go to but the same goes for me" Hanna said getting up and leaving.
"So it's just the two of us now" Em said.
"Well the three" I joked pointing down to my stomach.
"I'm sorry that your in the middle of Toby and I" I apologized knowing that they were good friends before we dated and still are.
"It's fine" it sucks but I'm going to take your side no matter what, your the sister I never had and after him leaving you like that it just, it just hurts me knowing that he caused you that much pain" she said sadly.
"I know but there's nothing we can do about it now" I said to her but meaning to myself. The last couple of months have been terrible and I've put on a brave face but then I feel like I died on the inside. We got some things to eat and talked for a little bit until we both decided to got home. When I walked in I noticed that I was the only one home. There was a knocking on the door and I looked over to see Toby. I walked over and when he thought I was going to open it I locked it instead.
"Come on Spencer let me in" he asked jiggling the door nob.
"Sorry but all the doors are locked so good luck getting in" I said crossing my arms on my chest. He looked over to one of the other doors and I mentally scolded myself. There was one door unlocked. We gave eachother a look and bolted for the door. He beat me to it and let himself in.
"Damn my pregnancy slowness" I cursed madly.
"I just want to talk to you" he said sincerely.
"Fine" I grumbled walking over to the couch. He sag in the chair across from me.
"Talk" I said meanly.
"I just want to say I'm so sorry for what I did and you have every right to hate me because I hate myself and I know that because our relationship was bad didn't mean I could just abandon you...or our baby" he started adding on the last part as an after thought.
"Like I said yesterday, Sorry isn't going to cut it" I responded.
"I know but I want you to be in my life, both of you and I want to be back in yours, if you will let me" he kept going.
"I don't kn-"
"Just give it a thought, please" he pleaded. I could see the pain on his face and gave it some thought.
"I'm not saying yes and I haven't forgiven you yet so don't try anything, I'm only letting you back into my life because we have a baby together" I said after a while.
"Okay, okay, that's fine take however long you need, I'm just not going to give up" he said determined.
"So how is everything going with you and the baby" he asked shyly.
"Everything is fine, we're both healthy, I just had a doctors appointment today, actually" I answered.
"How far along are you" he asked smiling.
"I will be six months in a couple days" I explained.
"Wow, I didn't realize how fast time went" he mumbled.
"Is it a boy or a girl" he asked curiously. He had his hands locked together and was leaning his head on them, you could tell he was nervous.
"A girl" I answered happily.
"Really" he asked stunned. I nodded reassuring him.
"I'm going to have a baby girl, a daughter to look over, to protect" he whispered more to himself. I hope he meant what he was saying.
"I know, it's very unrealistic" I mumbled still trying to believe it myself. I got up and grabbed the ultrasound pictures from today and handed them to him.
"These were from today" I explained. He looked at them and was instantly grinning from ear to ear.
"That's my baby" he whispered very quietly.
We talked for about a half hour before he finally left. I started to make spaghetti for dinner so when my parents got home we could eat right away.
"Oh what smells so good" my mom asked walking in and smelling the air.
"Grandma's spaghetti recipe" I explained while finishing up.
"My mama always was the best cook I knew" my dad said walking in right after her. Saying that earned him a glare from my mother.
"Sorry honey" he shamefully apologized. I laughed because they really have changed since high school, everyone has. They set the table while I served the food. In the middle of eating I started a new conversation.
"I had my doctors appointment today" I said trying to get their interest and it worked.
"Oh that's right, how did it go" my mom asked taking a another bite.
"Really good, I found out what I'm having" I teased knowing they were anxious to know.
"Well are you going to tell us" my dad asked. As I predicted they were very anxious to find out.
"I'm having a girl" I said smiling happily.
"Ohh Spencer" my mom squealed getting up and hugging me, just like Hanna did.
"I'm happy for you" my dad said in my ear while giving me a hug.
"Thank you" I whispered giving him a squeeze. When we were all done we washed the dishes and I headed off to bed. I slept that night thinking of names for my little girl.

Okay so I feel bad now because I told you guys I was going to update last night and I didn't so I'm really sorry for that. I also want to say that this isn't my best work but I did try and make it longer so thank you for reading it and thank you to everyone who commented and voted on the last two chapters yesterday, that helps and means a lot and just makes my day so thanks you. Alright I will start a new chapter tomorrow when I wake up because it is 5:13 a.m. and I'm just now going to bed so good night/ morning to everyone.

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