Chapter 5

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I walked up to my doctor waiting for me and followed her. We came to an area where we take height and weight.
"Okay if you would take of your shoes and jacket then step up on the scale to get your weight" she said politely and I obeyed. I took off my boots and jacket and stepped on there.
"Okay you weigh about 115, now let's get your height"
I stepped off and over to the wall and stood up straight.
"You are 5"7, now I will show you to your room, do some tests then Dr.Jacobs will be with you shortly" she said leading the way. I sat down and she took my temp, blood pressure, the usual routine at the doctors. She left and sat there waiting for Dr.Jacobs. About ten minutes later a woman in her late 40s came in apologizing.
"I am so sorry to keep you waiting" she said rushing over to her desk.
"Oh it's no problem" I muttered. She took out a pile of paperwork and started to organize them.
"I'm sorry I'm so disorganized but I've been very busy so far today" she repeated.
"Okay so I heard that you are moving shortly after this appointment, am I correct" she questioned.
"Okay so I'm going to ask you a series of questions and then I will check and see if you are getting an ultrasound today"
"Okay let's get started, how old are you"
"Any medical procedures in the last three years"
"Are you on any medication and have you been on any prescribed medicine and the last five years"
"No, I'm not on any medicine and I was on a pill that would help me with my stress and with my sleeping, it would help me stay awake but I can't remember the name of it"
"Okay I will just check your files for it, how long have you been sexually active"
I shifted at that one feeling uncomfortable.
"Umm, about five years" I replied. She asked a couple other routine questions and we were finally done after 40 minutes.
"Okay do you want to lift up your shirt and then lay down on the bed" she instructed. I lifted up my shirt to my rib cages and layed down.
"Okay this is going to be a check up for me and you will see your baby for the first time" I just nodded and stayed there.
"Okay this is going to be a little cold but it will warm up from your body temperature" she had a bottle and squirted some on my lower abdomen. I flinched at the coldness on my sensitive spot. She moved the wand around and clicked some things on the computer. A sound hit the silent room and that was soon the only noise.
"Do you hear that" I nodded looking at the screen. "That's your babies heartbeat" she said giving me a smile. She kept moving the wand around.
"This right here is your baby" she said pointing to a white spot on the machine.
"Your about 3 1/2 months, that's later than most woman come in here" I just looked at the screen in awe.
"Th-th-that is my baby" I asked trying to move forward. She just gave me a nod and a polite smile.
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you want pictures" she asked taking the wand off my stomach and handing me some papertowels.
"Yes please" i say wiping the gel off.
"How many would you like" she asked doing things on the computer. I thought about it for a second and responded.
"Can I get seven" I asked nervously.
"Seven" she gave me a questioning look.
"Yeah, is that to many because if it is then I ca-" I rushed out but she cut me off.
"No its fine, I've had someone come in before asking for 18 one time, she must have had a big family" she joked giving a little laugh. I laughed at that lightening up a little.
"It will be about five minutes and then you will be ready to go" she told me before she walked out. I had already pulled my shirt down but stayed on the bed. Like she said Dr.Jacobs came back in five minutes late with all of my photos.
"There you go, you should be good to go, I will be sending your files from here to your new doctors office in Pennsylvania" she said reminding me about my records.
"Okay thank you" I said getting up and walking out the door.
I drove home, ate and got some extra things done before I leave tomorrow. When I was all done it was around nine and I was exhausted. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed after my bathroom routine was done. I layed there and curled up into a little ball but being careful enough not to crush the baby. I grabbed the ultrasound pictures off my nightstand and looked at it for a good 15 minutes. I put it back on there and curled up again. I put my hand on my lower stomach and started to rub.
"Hi my sweet baby, it's mommy talking to you, I just want you to know that I will do anything for you and that I love you so much, even though daddy isn't here I want you to know that I will always be here for you and will never do anything to hurt you, I will and already do love you with all my heart and you mean the world to me and I haven't even met you yet and I can't wait until I can hold you in my arms, goodnight my love" I said to my baby. I fell asleep, dreaming about my baby and I's life together.

Okay so I am working on it and it means a lot to me that you guys are voting and commenting so thank you so much it means a lot to me.

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