Chapter 23

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Spencers POV :
I drove up my driveway nervous of what I was about to walk into. I walked in the door and tried to sneak up the stairs bit once I got to the third stair I heard my mom furious voice.
"Where have you been" she asked. I took another two steps trying to get out of this.
"Get back here, now" she demanded. I sighed going back down and sitting on the couch.
"Where were you lastnight" she asked a little bit nicer.
"I told you I was with Han-"
"With Hanna" she asked cutting me off.
"Yeah" I lied not looking at her.
"That's funny because I called Hanna and she said she didn't see you at all yesterday or today" she informed taking a drink off wine.
"I meant Ar-"
"I called Aria too and Emily, they both said the same thing" she outsmarted me. I just sat there quietly not knowing what to say.
"Where were you Spencer" she asked not mad anymore. I just stayed quiet not wanted to get a lecture from her.
"Spencer" she tried again.
"IwaswithToby" I mumbled in very fastly.
"IwaswithToby" I repeated.
"Honey speak up"
"I was with Toby okay, are you happy now" I snapped loud enough to for her to hear me this time.
"Because I went over to apologize for dad freaking out at him-"
"Wait your dad did what" she looked at me really confused.
"Toby and I were watching a movie and we both fell asleep on the couch and he walked in and assumed it was something that it wasn't and he freaked out at Toby and told him to leave" I explained.
"Well was it what he thought" she asked.
"No, I don't know, it's just complicated" I shrugged starting to confuse myself.
"Honey, you don't need the stress, just, don't rush into anything that you might regret" she said before leaving the room. I sighed and went up to my room to collect my thoughts. I took a shower and changed from the dirty clothes I was wearing. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it seeing I had a text l. I opened it and saw Tobys contact name pop up.
I hope everything went okay. Did you tell her about us?
Was all his text said.
Yeah I guess everything's fine and no I didn't tell her yet, I'm just not ready for them to know yet.
I texted back.
Was all he responded with. I feel bad because I know he thinks that I'm embarrassed to be with him and for people to know about us but he did something wrong and he hurt me which her my family and he should just be glad that I forgave him already. I texted Emily and asked if she wanted to come over and she agreed. I heard talking downstairs then footsteps coming up the stairs. Emily walked in and gave me a little hi.
"So what have you been doing lately" I asked her as she sat next to me on the bed.
"Well I've joined a, and don't judge, I've joined a dating website" she said a little nervously. I just laughed a little bit but trying not to be mean.
"Okay be serious am I crazy, am I wrong to want love, first there was Alison, Maya and then Paige and they were the loves of my life but I want a serious relationship where I don't have to worry about it not going somewhere and it not being ruined" she explained with a big sigh.
"Well I don't really know what to tell you but all I know is that you should keep trying and it can only get better from here" I gave bad advice and layed back down.
"So how is everything"
"What do you mean" I asked a little dumb and confused.
"You know, Toby, the baby" she explained.
"Well for starters the baby is doing really good, she moved and kicked for the first time yesterday" I smiled remembering the feeling.
"Oh my god Spence that amazing" she congratulated giving me a happy hug.
"What about Toby" she mumbled shyly.
"Same, nothing really he wants to try and I'm going to let him be in her life but I will see how things wi be between the two of us" I panicked at first but ended up telling the truth in the end.
"I hate what happened to you guys, it just pains me to see how you guys are now then to think what you guys were back in high school and when you guys first moved, you two were so excited to start new, get away from here, from all the drama that was in Rosewood, you two were the only ones smart enough to to leave" she said with sadness in written all over her face.
"Yeah and it shows how well that decision was" I mumbled while slightly joking.
"So what do you want to do" I added changing the subject.
"I don't know, maybe watch a movie or something"
"Okay well if we watch a movie you have to get it ready, I'm to lazy to get up" I said snuggling in.
"Fine" she sighed and went to get a movie together.
"So do you have any names that you like" Em asked.
"Well I like Angela, and maybe Jessica" I said remembering the girl from the doctors office in Colorado.
"I like them I think Jessica is my favorite out of the two" she complimented.
"How did you come up with it" she added the question.
"Uh, I don't know, I guess it just came to me" I lied. We continued to watch the movie before I got really tired and finally fell asleep.

So sorry it took me forever to update and it's pretty Short but I've been busy because it's my sisters birthday today and then my other sister is in the hospital because she is about to have her baby so I'm really excited. Speaking of people having their babies, are you guys anxious for Spencer to have her baby? Well let me know and I will try and update sometime soon hopefully.

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