Chapter 45

45 3 0

(Author:Okay,Hi guys..I think I will continue this story here too?Since I'm here for now lol. I'm a forgetful person so if I didn't update for a looooooooonnng time that's mean I forgot about the story. And I'm here to update in here since I'm on wattpad today lol)



(Inside Tsuna's office)
Tsuna sighed in tiredness as he pinched between his eyes after finished half of the evil paperworks and leaned against the chair.

"This paperworks make me stressed and I need a mocha to put sugar in me and caffeine to keep me awake."Said Tsuna to himself lowly but his request already being heard by Reborn who sitting at the sofa with laptop on his lap. He pulled out a phone and texted something on his phone that Tsuna noticed but didn't say anything as he already know what Reborn texted.

"Is every preparations for their stage already done?We don't want anything to miss, right?"Said Tsuna to Reborn while still leaned against the  chair. Reborn whose attention still on the laptop answered

"Yeah, everything is done and only left them to perform now." with his smirk take over his handsome face. Tsuna nodded and closed his eyes for a few seconds until his phone ringing breaking his short break(Auth:Poor TsunaㅠㅠHibari and Mukuro will give him his early grey hair if they keep damaging property) . Tsuna picked up the call and answered with carefree attitude.

"Hello?" Answered Tsuna with smile already knowing who's calling. He already give his number to them before.

"Hello?Tsuna-san?" Answered the person from the call.


"Mmm...Is it normal for your two guardians  to glare at each others as if they want to fight in the middle of walking?" Whisper Jin with nervous voice as he calling him from far away from those guardians of his.He probably is. And there's a vein popped in his forehead.

"Oh, really? Hmm.... that's normal but Hayato and Kyoya didn't actually fighting right?" Ask Tsuna calmly with tight smile.

"Oh, they didn't fight but just glare at each others when they talked to each others but other than that they are very nice and kind to us." Said Jin nervously but with hint of amazed in his voice because Tsuna already know whom he talking about. Tsuna sighed in relief after hearing that.

"Than that's okay. As long as they didn't fight for real then they okay. I'm sorry if you guys had to witness that."Said Tsuna with apologetic expression even tho Jin can't see it.

"It's okay!I just called and want to ask that only. Oh! I saw a museum!!Look's like the kids want to enter the museum so I need to go now,Tsuna-san." Said Jin in hurry and Tsuna chuckled at that.

"Sure,see you guys later then." Said Tsuna with smile and Jin say that back with happy voice and Tsuna hang up after he heard a click from the other side. He leaned to the chair with sigh.

"Is your guardians make a trouble for the boys?" Ask Reborn who silent through the call. Tsuna look at him with tired look.

"Thankfully they only glaring at each other and do a good job guarding the boys. It's amazed me how they control themselves from fighting and throwing weapons at each others.." Said Tsuna amused at the self-controls of his troubles guardians. Reborn only smirked at that.

"Well, they in front of their favourite artists of course they need to control themselves and to make sure you didn't kill them." Said Reborn with smirk as he sipped his espresso that already arrived through the  all along with Tsuna's mocha.

"Hmm, you right. If only they restraint themselves before this too, the property will have less damage." Said Tsuna tiredly as he also sipped his mocha. Reborn shrugged at that.

"Not my problem. That's your generation's faults for being reincarnations of the first generation. The First generation already trouble and now the 10th generation even inherited their behaviours." Said Reborn nonchalantly and Tsuna rolled his eyes at his answer. Reborn said that as if he not one of those people that damaging the mansion(Authr: True. When Reborn also one of those people that keep damaging the property whenever he and Colonnello shooting at each other🙄)

"The paperworks is almost done. Can I take a nap for few hours? I need a to rest my eyes even tho I prefer to rest for 3 days but I know you wouldn't allow that." Said Tsuna as he look at Reborn with tired look. Reborn look at him for few seconds and sighed.

"Fine... I give you 2 hours to nap. But after that ,you need to wake up and finish the paperworks before dinner time." Said Reborn and Tsuna cheered a little with small 'yay' and nodded in agreement even tho the nap he given is shorts. He leaned more on his chair and close his eyes and on 15 seconds he already fall asleep. Reborn look at him and shake his head and continue with whatever he doing on the laptop(Authr:He actually monitoring the boys's sightseeing, how he do that? I have no idea.)


(At Tannies's side)

"The view look so pretty~!!"Said Hoseok(Authr:I had to restrain myself from typing Hobi n fvk it's a struggled as I already used to call Hobi by thatㅠㅠ) excitedly as they stopped by the beach that still have lots of people.

"Prettyyyyyy!!!"Said Taehyung as he look at the beach with stars in his eyes. He is smiling widely as he look at the beach.

"C'mon!! Let's take a picture!!" Said Jimin excitedly as he pulled out his phone and the boys huddled together and took few pictures with the beach as the background.

The guardians look at them from the side with soft smiles until one of the members noticed them and called them to take a pictures together.

"Haha, it's okay!We only here to make sure you guys safe and be your guide! I kinda shy when it's time to take a picture with celebrities that I like!!" Said Takeshi with nervous grin and Hayato nodded along with and almost everyone noticed his  hands shaking in nervousness (A/thr: LMAO EVEN I NOT THAT BAD) . Kyoya only shake his head while saying sorry softly (A/thr: SOFTLY!!DO YOU SEE THAT??!!!S.O.F.T.L.Y!!HE ???SOFT??!!! He is soft actually,look at Hibird).

"No!!Please take a pictures with us!! It's only 3 of you now!!You guys can brag to anyone or keep it as memories in your box or something!!" Said Taehyung excitedly. Takeshi nodded after hesitating a little and you can see Hayato look about to faint but he recovered after he heard he can keep it as memories. He can keep the photos in his happy memory box !!(A/thr:Hayato is cute actually 🥺). Kyoya nodded in agreement after seeing his fellow nodded and so they all huddled together(A/thr: Mind you, Hayato look like I-pin that about to explode when they all huddled together,lmao) and take a pics together.

To Be Continue...

(P/s: Hi guys I'm sorry if it's been so long I wrote here,here and update for this story🥺
If you guys like please support me on my ko-fi🥺)

When Idols Meet Mafia(Late Update)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz