Chapter 13

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"So...what's their answer, Reborn?" Ask Tsuna as everyone already departed to airport . Tsuna and Reborn in separated car meanwhile the others are in another cars or limo. Reborn look at him with grin and his grin broke into smirk. Tsuna raised an eye brow and shake his head with smile.

" is okay for us to go to Italy first then the other place?" Ask Tsuna to Reborn.

"I think we go to Italy first to make sure everyone prepare everything that should be done. After that, we go to the other and make sure you bring your stuff, Tuna-fish." Said Reborn teasingly. Tsuna glare at him but not that affected Reborn as Tsuna's glares like a pout in his view .As they all arrive at the airport, they all enter the plane that owned by Vongola Corp.(A/T:It's a disguise for people that doesn't know about mafia) and as usual Reborn go to the kitchen inside the plane and make himself an espresso and Tsuna just go back to his office inside the plane to sleep again as he feel himself sleepy.

"Hayato? If you want to find me I will be at the office . Can you tell Mama?" Told Tsuna to Hayato who just about to follow Tsuna but give up as he heard Tsuna command(Tsuna: It just telling!Not a command)him.He nodded as he turn back to other direction and Tsuna enter his office and close the door of his office and walked toward his chair and sit on it. Tsuna immediately fall asleep with his hands folded under his head.

Outside of Tsuna's office

"Everyone~I bring a new CD concert of BTS? Do you guys want to watch it together?" Ask Nana with happy smile as she pull out the items. Everyone look at her and nodded slightly. She then let Fuuta take it from her to insert the CD into DVD. And everyone gather together to watched it and even Kyouya that doesn't like crowding is there sitting to watch the concert.

"Where Tsu-kun?" Ask Nana as she looked around for her son. Hayato noticed and inform what his friend said early to others. Nana nodded and everyone fall into silent as the shows begin.


Everyone is still watching the show and at the same time Tsuna wake up from his slumber and look around him with daze look 'Where everyone else?' thought Tsuna with confused face. He stand up from his chair and get out from his office only to see that all his family is watching a new shows but with the same people on them. Tsuna sweat drop as he saw all of them have a smiles and smirks with look so uncomfortable for him and they all have a predator look on their face including his mother and his siblings.

"What are you guys doing?" Ask Tsuna breaking their previous looks and all of them look at him with nervous smiles and blank looks.

"Oh,Tsu-kun!!We just watching a new BTS show!!Come here, we watching together ,okay?" Nana said with bright smile that almost make Tsuna forgot(keyword:almost)everything he saw. Tsuna nodded and sat beside Reborn who's the nearest to him. Then he saw BTS boys in the show but as he watch it carefully he only just watching their concert and their behind the scenes. Tsuna watching it with his intense look but not like his family who suddenly shift their looks from normal to predatory. Tsuna can feel himself sweat drop again even though he's not looking.

To Be Continue...

When Idols Meet Mafia(Late Update)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin