Not an update

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I know I said I will update regularly but I can't after what happened today...Stupids peoples immediately jumps into fcking conclusions and turn their backs from him when it's not confirmed by bighit...Stupids antis and haters use those things to make us weak....Heh..Bitch..You thought??No fcking way we will let all of those thing fall us down....You fcking make us mad even more and guess what..You guys will got sues and will get catches....You think you smarts?Think again...Stupids never learns...You said our fandom toxic when you guys is the toxics ones and only makes hate toward bts........Just wait.....Bad Karma will happen to you guys..And I always right.....Bad peoples will got theirs punishments!!!!!!!
AND STOP STALKING AND FOLLOWS THEM EVERYWHERE YOU STUPIDS SASAENGS!!!!!!!!!!YOU THE SHITTIEST HUMANS EVER!!!!!!DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FCKING RESPECTS SOMEONE PRIVACY AND JUST FCKING TELL EVERYONE WITHOUT THE OWNERS KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!THAT'S A FCKING DISGUTING OF Y'ALL!!!!!THE MOST DISGUSTING HUMANS BEINGS TOO!!!!!!I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR FCKING PUNISHMENTS AND DIE FROM IT!!!!!!I NEVER WISH SOME PEOPLES DIE BADLY BEFORE AND THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I EVER WISH PEOPLES DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO FCKING ROT IN FCKING HELL,SHITTY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for ranting in here..I will not uploads any chapters as I feel so mad and I need time to calm the fck down and I still feel mad after what happens......Until all of those got solves and done,been cleans like nothing happened,I will not upload any chapters...I will be on hiatus for how long until those things gone....After that I will be back..And will continue to upload the chapters......Sorry again for ranting here....Those stupids peoples make me mad so much that make me broke my bed leg...I have bad temper and if it's continue,my house will collapse...Or I will accidentally punch someone even tho I didn't mean it....This make me have so much headache....😥😥😥😥😥

I'm sorry again...
I,Yuukiha will sign out for now..
I also will be on hiatus for how long...
Will be back but not so soon...

When Idols Meet Mafia(Late Update)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें