Chapter 19

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"Thought!"-Shouted in Italian
"Thought"-On phone



They look at the voice that called them greeted him...

"Hi,Hobeom hyung!!Does the guest already arrived??!!!"Ask Taehyung as they get up from the floor.

"Not yet but we can go the meeting room right now..Or..Do you guys want to go eat first?"Ask Hobeom with grin as he know what their answer is.

"OF COURSE EAT FIRST!!LET'S GO!!!!"That's Taehyung and Jungkook reply as they dragging their hyungs with them and left the staffs and Hobeom.Hobeom grinned again as he followed them.
"You guys can get a breaks to if you guys want...But,please make the room clean first,okay..."Said Hobeom before heading out and give a thumb up after hear 'Yes~'from the staffs and get out from the room.

At Tsuna's side...
"Reborn,when the meeting start?"Ask Tsuna as he sipped his tea.Right now they are at the cafe that near the destination.

"In about 40 minutes...Why?"Said Reborn with eye brow raised.Tsuna just shrugged with Reborn take as 'Nothing..Just want to know' and shake his head too.

🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼~~~~(A/h:I'm to lazy to make ringtone or sound of the phone😚😚😚)

"Pick it up,Tsuna."Said Reborn as he look at Tsuna who's is pull out his phone.

"Hello?"Answer Tsuna as he pick up the call.

"Mio Dio??!!!!Tsuna??!!!!Where the fuck are you???!!!Hayato tried to called you but you don't pick up and they all in here tried to go to search for you,you know!!!!!!!!Why you didn't leave notice first before going anywhere???!!!!!"Shouted the person on the phone that make Tsuna put his phone away from his ear.

"But I thought Reborn already tell Hibari..Didn't Kyouya told you?"Said Tsuna as he put the phone on his ear again with glare(that look like a pout) directed to Reborn whose is smirking to him.

"No!!!He didn't!!!He only give 'Hnnn' and left and right now he is smirking at me!!*Stop smirking,you skylark b***ard!!!!!*Now!!Tsuna tell me where are you so they stop worrying!!!"Said the person with irritated voice.Tsuna sighed and look at Reborn which Reborn return it with shake of his head.

"I'm somewhere with Reborn now...Reborn said about meeting with other people and no..Hayato doesn't know about this if you asked,Yuuki."Said Tsuna as he sighed as he leaned to his chair.

"Is that so?Okay..I will tell them right away but first..Tsu~~"The person as we know now,Yuuki call Tsuna with flirty voice.Tsuna gulped and reply with shaky 'Yes'out from his mouth as he feel weird why Yuuki suddenly change her tone.

"Can I have a vacation for 2 days this week??If you asked about the jobs,I already finished..Please~~~"Ask Yuuki with cheerful tone on her voice.Tsuna sighed as he relaxed.

"Sure..But where you going??"Ask Tsuna.He only got a reply of giggles and then got hanging up by the other.Tsuna stare at the phone and put his phone on the table.He stare at Reborn with blank look and Reborn stare at him back with blank look too.

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