Chaper 12

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Jake held Valentine from behind as they waited out in the cold for Bella, Angela, Jessica, and Mikey- someone who Valentine knew had a crush on his sister, but suspect may also have one on him aswell.

Valentine would use a heating charm to stay warm, but humans seemed drawn to him when he use his magic out and public. Plus, what's better then cuddling up to his natural warm pup?

Valentine had asked Benji and Calum to come, but apparently they where going on a date tonight. Valentine didn't know when this progressed, but he was happy it did. Though it did make sense because he did spend most of his time building the bikes with Jake and Bella. He would have to start hanging out with them more.

They where going to watch a horror film, something about a new couple moving in together not noting the girlfriend was a psychopath.

They waited about five minutes when
Mike arrived. Mike looked nervous as he glanced around. Not a fan of horror then.

Valentine used to hate horror, but as he grow up he found the thrill in them. He loved figuring out thing before they where revealed and couldn't help the yelp of joy when he guessed right.

When he saw how he was being held, his face showed unintereste, but his body tensed up and his eyes held jealousy, and Jake might have noticed it.

"You like horror?" Jake asked, clearly knowing the answer just from Mike's posture.

"Not really," Mike said a nervous chuckle in his voice. Val tried not to laugh when Mike tryed to looking in his boyfriends eye, but quickly though other wise. That wasn't the funny part,, what was was that he tryed again. No luck as he chicken out yet again.

Yeah, no. Looking in Jake eyes when he didn't want you to was nearly impossible for a human, but it was funny to watch him try.

"I heard it scary, like really scary." Jake said, nodding his head as if agreeing with himself. "One girl I know said the girlfriend stuck needles into her boyfriend eye." Jake informed, fake sympathy in his voice as Mike stared sweating. Ok, Jake had definitely noticed.

"Jake, stop messing with the kid," Valentine laughed, gently kneeling him in the chest.

"Y-you know, are you even old enough to see this movie, you know without adult supervision." Valentine stifled a laugh, because Jake was in fact, not old enough to see this movie. It was 18 and up because of the various sex scenes, nudity, under age drug use, and violence.

"I already bought his tickets, and technically I'm an adult." Valentine said, shrugging his sholder.

He could tell Mike was about to say something before Bella came up.

"Jessica bail and Angela has a stomach flu, so Eric's taking care of her. It's just us four." Bella said, a smile on her face.

"Ok then, let's he inside." Valentine said and they all when inside the theater.

At first, the movie started out like any other romance couple film. But as the movie progressed things got weird. The female lead was taking pins and needles in sticking them into her boyfriend's eyes, continue down his body. then she slowly cut off his feet with the piano wire.

The movie was also going back and forth between gruesome scenes of her other victims. With one of her boyfriend's she's stuck long nails into his head, with another she cut his tongue off and made him eat it, and then with a dull knife she could his fingers off one by one.

The scene was gruesome, blood everywhere. What got to Valentine wasn't all the blood or torture, it was that it was so realistic. While Valentine loved gore, he still grimaced a bit when the female lead started pulling teeth out, but he still was fascinated.

Mike look at him I'm terror at one part of the movie when Valentine laughed as her boyfriend felled when trying to run escape.

One of his hobby's when he was little, around 15 or so, was researching serial killers. He wanted to know what made them do the things they did. Cannibalism especially. While he had grown out of it over the years, he always wondered from time to time.

Vals eyes snapped to Mike. His eyes were wide, and he looked to be holding back vomit.

He tryed to hold out, but he fail.

"O-ok, I think I'm gonna throw up." He gaged as he got out of his set and rush away.

"Uh, let go see if he's ok?" Bella asked. Valentine laughed but got up a d they walked out of the theater.

Mike rushed into the restrooms and Valentine snikered when he almost felled.

"Wow, he definitely shouldn't have eaten all that candy." Valentine commented, making Jake and Bella chuckle.

"You really should pick up a crush who laugh at the gore instead of running away from it," Jake said to Valentine, but Bella didn't realize as she said.

"Are you telling me to date my brother?" She tease with a raised eyebrow. Valentine gaged.

"Uh, gross." Valentine said.

"Definitely not, Val's mine. But dude does he have a weak stomach." Jake said, throwing a arm around Valentine sholder possessively. Jake's obvious jealousy made Valentine dick jerk and heart warm.

"I feel bad for him. He probably has that flu that's going around," Bella said as she reached the steps before sitting down.

"Maybe, but I think he might have hemophobia." Jake looked at him, quietly asking, 'what the fuck is that's.

"He terrified of blood." Valentine explained, a chuckle in his voice.

"Yep, I agree with Val, he definitely have hamphaobia." Jake said shaking his head. Valentine and Bella laughed when Jake tryed to say the word.

"It's hemophobia pup." Valentine said, a fond smile on his face.

"That's what I said, hamphaoic. " Jake said, completely serious.

"Yeah, ok" Valentine smiled warmly. Jake looked at Valentine curiously, his eyes warm but face unreadable.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom." Bella excused herself, probably feeling the intimacy of the situation.

Jake started at Valentine's affectionate smile, wondering how he could be so beautiful.

"Your so..." Jake drew off, mouth parted slightly.

Valentine lean in, not to kiss him, but to feel. Valentine put his head on Jake sholder and Jake held him by the neck. There eyes where close, soaking in each other's love, until they where interrupted.

"Welp, I need to go home." Mike huffed, as he approached the stare case. Jake slowly tore himself apart from Val, his eyes narrowed and dark as he looked at Mike.

"I-i was feeling sick before the movie."  Mike explained to Jake, sounding annoyed. Jake stared at him longer, eyes glaring before he scoffed, about to look bake at Val before Mike open his mouth.

"What is your problem?" He asked, a touch of anger in his voice.

"Right now, your my problem. Feeling sick? Go to the hospital." Jake glared, getting angrier as he spoke.

"What me to put you in the hospital?!" Jake asked bolting up and taking a threading step towards Mike.

Valentine eyes widened, getting up and getting infront of Jake, blocking his view from the scared Mike who'd put his hand up in surrender.

"Hey, hey, baby." Valentine cupped Jake face in his hands, turing his face to look him in they eyes. "Look at me, pup. Calm down, ok?" Valentine said gently. Jake was hesitant to look Val in the eyes, but when he did, his body relaxed. Valentine furrowed he eyebrows.

"Your burning up," Valentine said, voice felled with worry.

"I don't know what's happening," Jake mumbled, chest heaving.

"Hey, hey, it ok. Let go home and we'll see what up." Valentine planed, but Jake was getting a bit frantic.

"I-i gotta go." He said srugging Val off before rushing out.


2 Twilight: New Moon Jacob x male oc ✅ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora