Chapter 22

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After a few minutes, Alice got out of the car, looking at Val and Jake expectingly.

Jake jumped out of the car, seeming far to ready for some action.

"Keep up mage," was all Alice said before she ran off vampire speed.

"Got any speel of super running?" Jake asked.

"Nah.... carry me?" Valentine asked, a charming smile on his face. Hake laughed before he gestured for Val to jump on. Val did, jumping onto Jake's back, Jake didn't even stumble. He took of running, not as fast as he was in wolf form, but definitely time slow down fast.

Alice was standing infrotn of the giant looked doors of some sort of temple.

"Took you long enough." She said.

"If you could make your wolf smell more like a vampire mage, that would be helpful," Alice told him.

"I can try," Valentine said, before focusing on Jake's intermind.

It was almost like he'd new what to do the movement Valentine mind merged with Jake's. He'd gone to the core of Jake's mind, before he warped Alice scent around Jake's central core, masking his scent into one of a vampire.

"Ok, good job," Alice prised before opening the doors, breaking the metal that locked it in place.

"Come on guys, is a festive. You wouldn't want to make a scene."

"We would definitely like to make a scene," Valentine informed as he walked in, all sexy confidence and bravado.

The two vampires looked at him in Jake in barely hidden disgust, but Valentine didn't give it much notice. Homophobic probably.

"Enough," a pretty blond lady walked in, her heel clicking on the floor, red eyes stern but evil.

"Jane," Edward spoke low.

"Aros sent me to see what was taking so long." This Jane said before she turn around and walked bake, expecting them a to follow, even the mage and werewolf how definitely didn't belong.

"Juat do what she says," Alice whispered to them.

"Go ahead," Jane gestured to steps leading downstairs.

Jake held Valentine close, protectively so.

They made it to a elevator, that took them to a office.

A lady spock in a different language, standing to greet them.

"Is she human?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Edward told her as they continue  to walk.

"Does she know?" Bella asked.


"Then why?"

"Cuz she wants to be," Val made fake hissing noise, pretendingto chomp down on his wrist. He thought it was pretty obvious, though he hoped drinking blood wasn't anywhere in his nearby future.

"Anf so she will be," the vampire guard behind them informed.

"Well deserved." Jane praised before she opened a door and they all walk in.

"Sister. I send you out to get one and you bring back five."

"What a happy surprise!" The leader, Valentine didn't know his name said, raising his hands for dramatics.

"Bella is alive after all, isn't that wonderful. I love a happy ending." He said, climing down the steps to walking up to Bella and grabbing her hands before moving to Edward's.

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