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A usual weekend for Jungkook, meeting with Jimin, watching movies, going out to shop, gaming, studying with Hoseok and enjoying his free time.

Monday, a day where he finally would get to enjoy another day where he'd make Yoongi suffer.

"That's the wrong type of milk.. I said banana not Vanilla" Jungkook said glaring at Yoongi who just came back.

".. Min.. FUCKING SAY SOMETHING! YOU FUCKING IDIOT CAN'T EVEN BUY ME THE PROPER MILK HM? HERE WHY DON'T YOU KEEP IT FOR YOURSELF!?" Jungkook yelled, grabbing the small box of milk to open it and pour it straight on Yoongi from above who stood still and let out a deep sight once Jungkook threw the empty small box through the classroom.

"that was so Mean Jungkook.. You didn't even give him the straw" Jimin said crossing his arms with a small grin and looking at Yoongi.

The poor boy was about to walk out when he was roughly pulled on his hood back by Jungkook, being pushed back and stumbling a bit until he leant against one of the desks.

"Min you're really getting on my nerves..  First buying me the wrong milk and now just trying to walk off.. You Fucking bitch should know that you-"

"Woah what's happening here?" a voice appeared, Jimin immediately jumping up to run to the person and wrap his arms around the guy.

"Tae finally! Look kook finally gets his sweet revenge!" Jimin said with a big grin, Taehyung looking at the scene and waving to Jungkook before he eyed Yoongi up and down.

"You're wet."

It was more like a fact he spoke out.

"Oh am I? I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't tell me." Yoongi retorted, somehow finally snapping back only to immediately regret it when Jungkook grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled on it.

"Getting a bit rude now aren't we? You don't even know his name yet you act like that.. Fucking asshole.. Still a stupid piece of shit aren't you? Or do you prefer it if I call you an disgusting slut hm? Apologize!"

Being pushed down again and shoved to the ground, Jungkook holding him down and only letting go when Taehyung put his hands on his shoulder.

"Kook stop now. Let the boy calm down for a second.." Tae mumbled, Jungkook letting out a loud frown and just sitting back down besides Hoseok.

He carefully watched the scene, Taehyung trying to help Yoongi up only for his hand to get slapped away and the smaller rushing out of the room.

"Is he really such a bad guy?" Taehyung asked, sitting down as well and leaning his head on his hands.

"He is fucking horrible. Such a lousy piece of shit and so rude.. Such a stupid bitch."

".. He's kinda pretty though.."

"Oh not you too!" Jimin said as he looked at Taehyung, the male looking a bit confused at Jimins comment.

"Hoseok is also into him!"

"I'M NOT!" Hoseok instantly said, looking at the two Taehyung trying to hold back a small smile.

"is someone jealous~? He never will have the same sassy vibe you do jiminie don't worry." Taehyung grinned, Jimin smiling a bit satisfied until he realized what Taehyung said.

"Fuck off! I'm not sassy you asshat! I'm the sweetest person alive you rat"

"Oh of course. Sweet like the taste of cum hm?" Hoseok smiled, Taehyung having to chuckle whilst Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

Jungkook meanwhile was in his thoughts, not that invested in their joking around and flirting and instead trying to think of what to do next.

He really wanted to make Yoongi suffer.
Make college the living hell for the older and may chase him away to again be left alone with his group of friends and his peaceful lifestyle.

Yoongi meanwhile had the same wish, wanting to be only left alone and enjoy a relaxing and uneventful college life like most did.

The day was hell, the whole week seemed to go too slow for Yoongi.

At least until Thursday.
The smaller successfully escaped Jungkook and his friends that day, ending up inside the library and hiding in one of the corners far in the back where no one was.

At least he thought no one was there, but to his surprise not even two minutes after he sat down he heard someone walk by and walk in his direction.

A pair of fresh sneakers, blue jeans and an rather questionable look on his face.
Yoongi looked up in the face of the person not sure what he exactly expected, now only staring at the guy who stared at him a bit confused.

".. Is everything alright..?"

"..yeah.. Yeah I'm great." Yoongi answered, quickly standing up and about to walk off when the guy again started to speak.

"Do you wanna join me?"

Yoongi stopped in his spot, turning around to again look up at the guy.
He wasn't sure where he could go anyways, this guy inviting him seemed therefore like some kind of escape he could use.

Sitting on one of the tables and looking around as he watched the guy who kept turning pages as he read.

Yoongi wasn't the type to read books. The boy seemed to notice that luckily after five minutes.

"I'm Namjoon.. What's your name?"

"I'm Yoongi." a short introduction, though he could see Namjoon who started to smile a bit as if happy that Yoongi told him his name.

After that it was pretty simple, some small talk, Namjoon who told Yoongi about the books he was reading and both getting along pretty well with each other.

"Wanna meet tomorrow again around this time? Let's walk back together, I'm gonna bring you to your class" Namjoon said as he stood up, Yoongi about to shake him off when Namjoon already started to walk.

"No its okay Namjoon.. Let's meet tomorrow again, I'll go on my own back alright?" Yoongi asked, not wanting the taller to see what would happen once he arrived to class.

Namjoon however insisted and there was no way around now.

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