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"So.. What do you think? Isn't this better than walking or taking the bus?" Jungkook asked as he looked at Yoongi in the seat besides him, both on their way to work.

"It's nice I guess.."

A small hum, Jungkooks small smile getting replaced by an serious look as soon as they entered the office building and making his way to his office exactly like Yoongi.

A casual day at work, no big issues and nothing too interesting.

It really was peaceful now, such a peaceful life Yoongi enjoyed and had wished for.

Every now and then of course Jungkook came up with random shit and brought some excitement with it, but overall it still seemed so peaceful and calm compared to their past.

Was this the relationship he had wished for?
After all, Yoongi got everything he wanted.
A stable job, a boyfriend who would become ceo in the future, someone who cherished him and made him happy.
It all was just like in his small past imaginary fantasies a few years back.

Fate or not, it all seemed to come togetger either ways.

Wherever fate destined them to be together or not, to Jungkook, it didn't matter.

If fate didn't give him what he wanted, he'd simply take it.

After he finally got his so beloved little cat boy, there wasn't one single thing in the world he'd ever let come between them once again.

Those big doe eyes of his, so pure and completely catching one off guard.
The small piece of innocence that still was stuck to him to display him simply was good enough of a cover up to hide the fact that he was the type of person to actually go to extreme lengths to get what he wanted and to protect what was his.

Money didn't play a role in that case and neither did morals play a role for him in such cases.

It definitely was a side of his that he wouldn't show easily, especially with Yoongi around.

Being bullied by his first love in high-school, bullying him back in college and ending up boyfriends.
A weird turn of events.

"Are you fine? Does your head still hurt?"

"No its all good.. Don't worry Jin." Yoongi said as he looked up at Jin, the taller checking up on Yoongi a bit unsure.

"Anyways my father and Jungkooks are gonna speak to us today.. I'm a teeny bit nervous" the taller mumbled as he watched Yoongi continue work, the smaller stopping his doings to focus on Jin for a second.

"Is it serious? What are you gonna talk about?"

"If everything goes according to plan and the companies cooperate then they may decide for us that me and kook will take over the ceo position a bit sooner than we thought."

"Oh for real? That's amazing. That's good isn't it?"

"I guess it is, but it also means more stress and we still have to come up with a proper solution because of the new business models we have to adapt to."

A small nod and jin said soon his goodbye disappearing in Jungkooks office.

Two hours, some talking later and jin walked back out followed by two older guys, probably Jungkooks and jins father.

"So.. What did they say? How is-" Yoongi asked a bit curious inside the car, Jungkook besides him however quickly leaning over to peck his lips before a big smile made its way on his lips.

"Half a year.. Half a year and you can officially say your boyfriend is a CEO."

Jungkooks small grin still on his lips as Yoongi started to smile a bit as well.

"That's great. Do you wanna celebrate it? Perhaps we could go out or something?" Yoongi suggested, only for Jungkook to shake his head and lean back towards him with a small smirk on his lips.

"Let me pick how we celebrate. I think the perfect idea just struck me kitten. It's gonna be exciting." Jungkook mumbled, once again pecking Yoongis lips, the smaller not saying anything as he tried to process what Jungkook could mean.

Hand on his thigh, slowly leaning back as Jungkook drove and looking out of the window when he took notice of something.

"Are we going somewhere else?"

"We're gonna celebrate." Was all Jungkook said, not answering Yoongi properly even when he asked again and after a while just parking the car in front of a motel.

Definitely not what Yoongi had expected.
Eyes a bit wide and nibbling on his bottom lip as he got out of the car just like Jungkook.

So this was Jungkooks way of celebrating?
A bit questionable especially after it was just a motel.

"..Why are you just standing there? Come on" Jungkook said as he started to walk, Yoongi following until they passed the entrance and instead walked past the motel.

So that wasn't even his intention?

"Jungkook I thought you wanted to go to the motel and-"

"to the motel? No no I just parked there because I don't have to get a parking ticket here and it's close to the mall."

Now Yoongi could only look dumbfounded.
Was Jungkook, the son of a millionaire and a CEO, was too cheap to buy a parking ticket?
Why even did Yoongi question it, that was somehow just such a Jungkook thing to do.

So there they walked inside the mall, Yoongi just following since he wasn't sure what Jungkook wanted to do.

"Uhh that looks nice, let's go there." The taller said pulling Yoongi with him inside a store and grabbing some things.

".. So.. You go shopping to celebrate?"

"Yeah.. I do feel like I earn to spend some money now on both you and me. By the way this would look great on you." Jungkook mumbled, holding a shirt in front of Yoongi who stood there a bit lost.

Shopping wasn't a bad thing, but it was tiring especially with Jungkook who kept walking around without a stop, kept asking for Yoongis opinion and kept teasing the smaller with stupid things.

"This.. Would be super cute on you, not as cute as your cute bear underwear though." Jungkook grinned holding up some pink briefs, the smaller holding back the urge to smack the taller and instead throwing a sweatshirt in his face before walking off mumbling a few curse words.

"Such a sensitive baby.." the taller whispered with a small amused smile, continuing to look through the aisle and picking some more things.

A small break. Yoongi just sitting down and taking a deep breath.

He really hated how easily Jungkook made him flustered.
It felt so unfair, yet he also really loved how the taller knew his limits.

((Idfk how long I'm gonna continue this story or if I should start a new one Cuz this one is coming to an end-))

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